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Coincall API v2.0.1


Welcome to the Coincall API! You can use our API to access Coincall Open API endpoints.

General Information

Working with Endpoints

Rate Limits

Endpoint Rate Limit Rule
Get Public Configuration 10 / 2s per IP address and product
Get Funding Rate 10 / 2s per IP address
Get Position / Open Orders 5 / 1s per User ID
Get Historical Order / Transactions 4 / 1s per User ID
Get Account Information 2 / 1s per User ID
Get Orderbook 30 / 2s per User ID
Place Order 30 / 2s per User ID
Cancel Order 30 / 2s per User ID


API Resources

If you have any API related issues, please contact

Generating API Keys

Create an API Key on the website before signing any requests. After creating an APIKey, keep the following information safe:

The system returns randomly-generated APIKeys and APISecrets. We cannot recover the APISecrets if you have lost it. You will need to create a new set of APIKey.

ApiKeys and apiSecret are case sensitive.

There are two permissions below that can be associated with an API key. One or more permission can be assigned to any key.

Read-Only - Can request and view public info such as public configurations.

Trade - Can place and cancel orders, and request and view account info such as bills and history.

Endpoint Security Type

Security Type Description
NONE Endpoint can be accessed freely.
SIGNED Requires valid API-Key and Signed.

Making Requests

All private REST requests must contain the following headers:

Request bodies should have content type application/json and be in valid JSON format.

  if (timestamp < (serverTime + 1000) && (serverTime - timestamp) <= X-REQ-TS-DIFF) {
    // process request
  } else {
    // reject request

Serious trading is about timing.

Networks can be unstable and unreliable, which can lead to requests taking varying amounts of time to reach the servers. With X-REQ-TS-DIFF, you can specify that the request must be processed within a certain number of milliseconds or be rejected by the server.


Sign Procedures:

The following API key and secret are for demonstration purposes only

key value
apiKey(uuid) xdtHWn32rsuDQConutzl9JDZB+Y1leitFl356YHrmts=
secretKey fce1102b2a0dea92957fa7d2e981df826295cd85696e40f0d521a6b8707b94c8

HMAC SHA256 Signature Calculation Principles'utf-8'), your_prehash_string.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

Example1: The request type is POST, and parameters are sent through the query string

Example2: The request type is POST, and content-type is application/json

Example3: The request type is GET, and parameters are sent through the query string

SHA2-256(STDIN)= B196FEEC510CF118EE68D313B3FE32E350427B9B161468E48B07B530A1828BC4


The timestamp value is the same as the ts header with UNIX millisecond timestamp of when the request was created and sent, e.g. 1688436087184

The request method should be in UPPERCASE: e.g. GET and POST.

The uri is the path of requesting an endpoint, separate each parameter with a &, ? represents Parameters concatenation.

Example: /open/futures/leverage/set/v1?leverage=1&symbol=BTCUSD

Your API Secret is generated when you create an APIKey.

In a POST request, the order of the request parameter fields needs to be sorted, and null values in the fields should be removed before performing the signature calculation.

Field Type Enumeration

Name Product Note
type options Option order type: 1 CALL, 2 PUT
tradeSide options/futures/websocket Trade side: 1 BUY, 2 SELL
tradeType options/futures/websocket Trade type: 1 LIMIT, 2 MARKET, 3 POST_ONLY, 4 STOP_LIMIT, 5 STOP_MARKET
reduceOnly options/futures/websocket Reduce only: 0 FALSE, 1 TRUE
state futures/websocket Order status: -2 WAITING_EFFECT, -1 PRE, 0 NEW, 1 FILLED, 2 PARTIALLY_FILLED, 3 CANCELED, 4 PRE_CANCEL, 5 CANCELING, 6 INVALID
isTaker options/futures/websocket Filled by taker side: 0 FALSE 1 TRUE
period websocket granularity of K-line: m1 1minute, m5 5minutes, m15 15minutes, m30 30minutes, h1 1hour, h4 4hours, d1 1day, w1 1week, mn1 1month, quarter 3months
stp options stp type: 1 CM, 2 CT, 3 CB

Error Information

  "code": -40004,
  "msg": "Invalid symbol."

Market Maker Program

High-caliber trading teams are welcomed to work with Coincall as market makers in providing a liquid, fair, and orderly platform to all users. Coincall market makers could enjoy favourable fees in return for meeting the market making obligations.

Prerequisites (Satisfy any condition):

Interested parties could drop us an email at with the below details:


Market making obligations and trading fees will be shared to successful parties only.

Public Endpoints

Check Server Time

Test connectivity to the Rest API and get the current server time.


        "serverTime":1687250525704 // Server time

HTTP Request




Get Public Configurations

Get trading-related configuration


        // Options configuration
                "symbol":"BTCUSD", // Symbol
                "takerFee":0.0004, // Taker fee
                "maxOrderNumber":200, // Maximum number of open orders
                "multiplier":0.01, // Multiplier
                "settle":"USD", // Settlement currency
                "priceDecimal":2, // Decimal of price
                "limitMaxQty":1000, // Maximum value of quantity for limit order
                "tickDecimal":1, // Decimal of tick
                "tickSize":0.1, // Tick size
                "greeksDecimal":5, // Decimal of greeks
                "makerFee":0.0003, // Maker fee
                "marketMaxQty":100, // Maximum value of quantity for market order
                "qtyDecimal":2, // Decimal of quantity
                "maxPositionQty":1000, // Maximum quantity of position
                "base":"BTC" // Base token
                "symbol":"BTCUSD", // Symbol
                "positionQty":100000000, // Maximum quantity of position
                "takerFee":0.0006, // Taker fee
                "maxOrderNumber":200, // Maximum number of open orders
                "settle":"USD", // Settlement currency
                "priceDecimal":1, // price of Decimal
                "limitMaxQty":1000, // Maximum value of quantity for limit order
                "tickDecimal":1, // Decimal of tick
                "tickSize":0.1, // Tick size
                "makerFee":0.0002, // Maker fee
                "marketMaxQty":120,// Maximum value of quantity for market order
                "qtyDecimal":3, // Decimal of quantity
                "base":"BTC", // Base token
                "minQty":0.001 // Minimum value of quantity

HTTP Request




Get Funding Rate

Get real-time funding rate


  "code": 0,// Status code
  "msg": "Success",// Message
  "i18nArgs": null,
  "data": [
      "symbol": "BTCUSD",// Symbol
      "rate": "-0.00500000",// Funding rate
      "contractId": "1",// Contract ID
      "ts": 1687250525704 // Timestamp

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
symbol string BTCUSD,ETHUSD false Contract name (if not passed, all will be taken. Multiple can be taken separated by commas)

Set Countdown

Set countdown time, only opened for MM.


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "success",
  "i18nArgs": null,
  "data": true

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
symbol string BTCUSD true Contract name
type integer 1 true Type of trade, 1:options, 2:futures, 3:spot
countdownTime integer 120000 true countdown time(ms)

Get Countdown Settings

Get Countdown Settings, only opened for MM.


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "success",
  "i18nArgs": null,
  "data": [
            //"status": 1,      // Status: 0:Disconnected, 1:effect. Only return status=1 
            "type": 1,                      
          "symbol": "BTCUSD",
          "countdownTime": 120000  
            //"status": 0,          
            "type": 2,                      
          "symbol": "BTCUSD",
          "countdownTime": 100000  
            //"status": 0, 
            "type": 3,                      
          "symbol": "TRXUSDT",
          "countdownTime": 30000  

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
type integer 1 true Type of trade, 1:options, 2:futures, 3:spot

Reset Countdown Settings

Reset Countdown Settings, only opened for MM.


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "success",
  "i18nArgs": null,
  "data": ["BTCUSD","ETHUSD"]     // Symbol which was set successfully

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
symbol string BTCUSD,ETHUSD true Contract name
type integer 1 true Type of trade, 1:options, 2:futures, 3:spot

User Account Related

Get user information



HTTP Request




Get account summary


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "Success",
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": {
        "totalBtcValue": 1450291.99007375, // Balance in BTC
        "totalDollarValue": 50014750313.273344637523471200000000, // Balance in USD
        "totalUsdtValue": 50000314222.5510097100000000, // Balance in USDT
        "imAmount": "15647.08532640",  //initial margin amount
        "mmAmount": "10850.05133640", //maintenance margin amount
        "imRatio": "0.147982", //initial margin rate
        "mmRatio": "0.102614", //maintenance margin rate
        "equity": "99932.41659503000", //account equity
        "availableMargin": "90088.98159503", //aviliable margin amount
        "marginBalance": "105736.06692143", //margin balance amount
        "unrealizedPnL": "-43.65032640", //unrealized Profit and Loss
        "accounts": [{
            "accountId": null, // Account ID
            "coin": "ETH", // Coin name
            "coinIconUrl": "",
            "coinDesc": "Ethereum",
            "coinView": "ETH",
            "equityAmount": "0", // Total assets value in account
            "availableBalance": "0", // Available balance
            "cashBalanceAmount": 105736.06692143, //cash balance amount
            "canWithdrawAmount": "0", // Maximum amount can be withdrawn
            "marginMode": 1, // Margin mode 1 SM 2 PM)
            "marginBalance": "0", // Margin balance
            "unrealizedAmount": "0", // Total unrealized P/L of the account
            "imAmount": "0", // Total initial margin of account
            "mmAmount": "0", // Total maintenance margin of the account
            "delta": null,
            "chainType": null,
            "btcValue": 0,
            "dollarValue": 0,
            "usdtValue": 0,
            "decimal": 18
        }, {
            "accountId": 698897965,
            "coin": "USDT",
            "coinIconUrl": "",
            "coinDesc": "Tether USD",
            "coinView": "USDT",
            "equityAmount": "49999934983.83391905",
            "availableBalance": "49999781762.68412424",
            "cashBalanceAmount": 0,
            "canWithdrawAmount": "49999781762.68412424",
            "marginMode": 1,
            "marginBalance": "49999783525.20670462",
            "unrealizedAmount": "49154.89968042",
            "imAmount": "1762.52258038",
            "mmAmount": "3.18161452",
            "delta": null,
            "chainType": null,
            "btcValue": 1450280.99000541,
            "dollarValue": 50014370965.0624515791081160,
            "usdtValue": 49999934983.83391905,
            "decimal": 6

HTTP Request




GET /open/auth/user/query-api

Request Parameters:


Key Value required description
X-CC-APIKEY aabcdadfse TRUE apikey
User apikey

Response Parameters

Name Type Value Note
userId integer 123456
apiKey string asj198BDS981
readOnly integer 0, 1 0:Read and Write. 1:Read only
isMaster boolean true, false
parentUid Long 123456789 API,UID;API,0
If it is a sub-account API, return the main account UID; if it is a main account API, return 0


        "userId": 123456,
        "apiKey": "xxxxxxxx",
        "readOnly": 0, //0:Read and Write. 1:Read only
        "isMaster": true, //mainaccount:true. sub-account:false
        "parentUid": "0", //The main account uid. Returns "0" when the endpoint is called by main account

Options Endpoint

Get Option Instruments

Get all option instruments information.


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "Success",
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": [{
        "baseCurrency": "BTC",
        "expirationTimestamp": 1694678400000,
        "strike": 22500.0,
        "symbolName": "BTCUSD-14SEP23-22500-C",
        "isActive": true,
        "minQty": 0.01,
        "tickSize": 0.1
    }, {
        "baseCurrency": "BTC",
        "expirationTimestamp": 1694678400000,
        "strike": 22500.0,
        "symbolName": "BTCUSD-14SEP23-22500-P",
        "isActive": true,
        "minQty": 0.01,
        "tickSize": 0.1
    }, {
        "baseCurrency": "BTC",
        "expirationTimestamp": 1694678400000,
        "strike": 23000.0,
        "symbolName": "BTCUSD-14SEP23-23000-C",
        "isActive": true,
        "minQty": 0.01,
        "tickSize": 0.1
    }, {
        "baseCurrency": "BTC",
        "expirationTimestamp": 1694678400000,
        "strike": 23000.0,
        "symbolName": "BTCUSD-14SEP23-23000-P",
        "isActive": true,
        "minQty": 0.01,
        "tickSize": 0.1

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
baseCurrency string BTC true option base currency

Get Option Chain

Get option chain


    "code": 0,// Status code
    "msg": "Success",// Message
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": [{
        "strike": 22000.00000000,// Strike price
        "callOption": {
            "optionId": 1584505132356345856,// Option ID
            "index": "BTCUSD",// Underlying symbol
            "symbol": "BTCUSD-26OCT22-22000-C",// Option symbol name
            "baseToken":"BTC",// Base token
            "displayName":"BTC-31MAY23-30000-C",// display name
            "endTime": 1666771200000,// Time of expiration
            "strike": 22000.00000000,// Strike price
            "lastPrice": 0,// Last price
            "markPrice": 0.0,// Mark price
            "volume": 0,// Trade volume
            "openInterest": 0,// Open interest
            "ask": 0,// Best ask price
            "askIv": 0.0,// Best ask IV
            "askSize": 0,// Best ask size
            "bid": 0,// Best bid price
            "bidIv": 0.0,// Best bid IV
            "bidSize": 0,// Best bid size
            "markIv": 0.0,// Mark price IV
            "type": 1,// Option type
            "lastPriceIv": 1.7976931348623157E308,// Last price IV
            "underlyingPrice": 20278.25,// Price of the underlying
            "breakeven": 30000,// Break-even Point
            "changeRate": -1.0000,// Price change in percentage
            "changePrice": -6.10000000,// Price change in value
            "userPosition":0,// User Holdings in position
            "delta": 0.0,// greeks delta
            "gamma": 0.0,// greeks gamma
            "vega": 0.0,// greeks vega
            "theta": 0.0,// greeks theta
            "rho":0 // greeks rho
        "putOption": {
                "optionId": 1668166500983382054,
                "underlying": "BTCUSD",
                "symbol": "BTCUSD-15JUN23-26000-P",
                "baseToken": "BTC",
                "displayName": "BTC-15JUN23-26000-P",
                "endTime": 1686816000000,
                "strike": 26000.00000000,
                "lastPrice": 989.9,
                "markPrice": 1138.22770000,
                "volume": 8.95000000,
                "openInterest": 7.38000000,
                "ask": 0,
                "askIv": 0.01,
                "askSize": 0,
                "bid": 658.6,
                "bidIv": 0.01,
                "bidSize": 10.35,
                "markIv": 0.6292,
                "type": 2,
                "lastPriceIv": 1.0E-4,
                "underlyingPrice": 24861.7723,
                "breakeven": 24861.77230000,
                "changeRate": 0.2271,
                "changePrice": 199.53688859,
                "userPosition": 0,
                "delta": -1.0,
                "gamma": 0.0,
                "vega": 0.0,
                "theta": 0.0,
                "rho": -0.02421

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
endTime long 1666771200000 false Expiration time(timestamp)
index string BTCUSD true Underlying symbol

Get Option Details

Get option details


    "code": 0,// Status code
    "msg": "Success",
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": {
        "optionId": 1584505132293431296,// Option ID
        "symbol": "BTCUSD-26OCT22-20000-P",// Option name
        "index":"BTCUSD",// Underlying Asset Name
        "displayName":"BTC-31MAY23-24000-C",// display name
        "endTime": 1666771200000,// Time of expiration
        "remainTime": 13565073,// Time remain until expiration
        "strike": 20000.00000000,// Strike price
        "markPrice": 10.231632230252217,// Mark price
        "underlyingPrice":27181.6936,// Underlying price
        "volume": 1.00000000,// Trade volume
        "volumeUsd": 1.00000000,// Trade value
        "openInterest": 0,// Open interest
        "lastPrice": 10.231632230252217,// Last price
        "premium": 0,// Premium
        "changeRate": 2.87,// Price change in percentage
        "changePrice":null,// Price change in value
        "iv": 0.58,// Implied volatility
        "multiplier":0.01,// Contract Multiplier
        "type": 2,// Option type
        "indexPrice": 20239.96000000,// Index price
        "price24hHigh": 0,// Highest price in 24hrs
        "price24hLow": 0,// Lowest price in 24hrs
        "volumeUsd24h": 0,// USD volume in 24hrs
        "price24hOpen": 18215.964000000,// Open price on UTC 00:00:00
        "volume24h": 0,// Trade volume in 24hrs
        "breakeven":27171.65,// Break-even Point
        "delta": -0.10808987585883545,// greeks delta
        "gamma": 0.0009475995953294489,// greeks gamma
        "vega": 0.7794498985827641,// greeks vega
        "theta": 0.0,// greeks theta
        "rho": -0.009454405809863273// greeks rho

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
symbol string BTCUSD-24MAY22-48000-P true option symbol name

Get OrderBook

Get option order book for 100 depth


    "code": 0,// Status code
    "msg": "Success",// Message
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": {
        "optionName": "BTCUSD-26OCT22-15000-C",// Option name
        "displayName": null,
        "strike": 15000,// Strike price
        "bids": [{
            "size": "0.5",// Size
            "price": "5251"// Price
        "asks": [{
            "size": "1",// Size
            "price": "8888"// Price

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
symbol string BTCUSD-26OCT22-15000-C true Option Name

Get Last Trade

Get option last trade


    "code": 0,// Status code
    "msg": "Success",// Message
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": [
            "symbol": "BTCUSD-26OCT22-20000-P",// Option symbol name
            "displayName":"BTC-26OCT22-20000-P",// Option display name
            "price": "10.3",// Trade price
            "qty": "1",// Trade Quantity
            "time": 1666757622819,// Trade time
            "tradeSide": 2// Trade side

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
symbol string BTCUSD-6JUN23-24000-C true Option Name

Get Positions(SIGNED)

Get All option positions


    "code": 0,// Status code
    "msg": "Success",// Message
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": [{
        "id": 1584736851047620608,// ID
        "positionId": 1584736851047620609,// Position ID
        "updateTime": 1666665682934,// Update time
        "orderId": 1584736036348895232,// Order ID
        "userId": 1536933707941347382,// User ID
        "value": 11294.2000000000000000,// Position Value
        "qty": 1.00000000,// Position Quantity
        "initMargin": 0,// Initial Margin
        "maintMargin": 0,// Maintnance Margin
        "avgPrice": 11294.20000000,// Average Price
        "markPrice": 12260.310000000001,// Mark price
        "upnl": 966.11000000000100000000,// unRealized PnL
        "roi": 8.55403659,// Return on investment
        "rspl": 0E-8, // Realized PnL
        "symbol": "BTCUSD-25NOV22-8000-C",// Option symbol name
        "displayName": "BTC-25NOV22-8000-C",// Display name
        "tradeSide": 1,// Trade Side 1 BUY 2 SELL
        "lockQty": 0,// Lock Quantity
        "indexPrice": 12.22, // Index price
        "delta": 1.0,// greeks delta
        "gamma": 0.0,// greeks gamma
        "vega": 0.0,// greeks vega
        "theta": 0.0,// greeks theta
        "rho": 6.610892947742262,// greeks rho
        "baseToken": "BTC",// Base token
        "quoteToken": "USD" // Quote token

HTTP Request




Place Order(SIGNED)

Place an option order


    "data":1663820914095300608 // Order id

HTTP Request


Rate Limit: 60/s


Name Type Value Required Note
clientOrderId long 123123123 false client order id
tradeSide number 1 true Trade Side, 1 BUY 2 SELL
tradeType number 1 true Trade Type, 1 LIMIT 3 POST_ONLY
symbol string BTCUSD-26OCT22-15000-C true Option name
qty number 0.5 true Quantity
price number 19000.01 false Price, required for limit orders
stp integer 1 false Value: [1,2,3]
reduceOnly number 1 false Reduce the position quantity only, 1 reduce only true, 0 reduce only false
Value Name Note
1 CM Cancel Maker
2 CT Cancel Taker
3 CB Cancel Both

Batch Create Order(SIGNED)

Create batch Orders

You can submit and modify up to 20 orders in batches at a time. The request parameters should be passed in array format, and the orders will be modified one by one.


curl -X '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'sign: XXXXXXXXXXX' \
--data '{
    "orders": [
            "symbol": "BTCUSD-22NOV24-104000-C",
            "qty": 0.1,
            "tradeSide": 1,
            "tradeType": 1,
            "price": 2321.0,
            "remark": "test remark",
            "stp": 1,
            "clientOrderId": 202411191237
            "symbol": "BTCUSD-22NOV24-104000-C",
            "qty": 0.5,
            "tradeSide": 1,
            "tradeType": 0,
            "price": 2329.0,
            "remark": "test remark",
            "stp": 1,
            "clientOrderId": 202411191238


    "code": 0,// Status code
    "msg": "Success",// Message
    "i18nArgs": null,

HTTP Request



Name Type Required Note
clientOrderId long 123123123 false
tradeSide number 1 true
tradeType number 1 true
symbol string BTCUSD-26OCT22-15000-C true
qty number 0.5 true
price number 19000.01 false
stp integer 1 false

Amend Order(SIGNED)

Modify unfilled or partially filled orders


curl -X POST 
-H "sign:3260D3D58F2982B9E3982D2BD51B0CF18E153B6F35686DE30ACA1A267925C832" 
-H "X-REQ-TS-DIFF:3000" 
-H "x-cc-apikey:mtQ/qQcbFnccSV061nGvWC1Ni9lXf4sBw36NAaDsKMs=" 
-H "ts:1730337237761" 
-H "Content-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8" 
-H "Content-Length:79" 
-H "" 
-H "Connection:Keep-Alive" 
-d '{"symbol":"BTCUSD-8NOV24-40000-P","orderId":"1851808894377136128","price":10,"qty":1.5}
' ""


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "Success",
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": 1851808894377136128 // order id

HTTP Request


Rate Limit: 60/s


Name Type Value Required Note
clientOrderId long 123123123 false client order id. Either orderId or clientOrderId is required
orderId number 1663820914095300000 false order id. Either orderId or clientOrderId is required
symbol string BTCUSD-26OCT22-15000-C true Option symbol
qty number 0.5 false Order quantity after modification. Do not pass it if not modify the qty
price number 19000.01 false Order price after modification. Do not pass it if not modify the price


Cancel Order(SIGNED)

Cancel an option order


    "code": 0,// Status code
    "msg": "Success",// Message
    "i18nArgs": null,

HTTP Request


Rate Limit: 60/s


Name Type Value Required Note
orderId number 1663820914095300608 false order id
clientOrderId number 123123123 false client order id


orderId and clientOrderId, one of the two parameters must be entered.

Cancel Orders(SIGNED)

Cancel option orders by index


    "code": 0,// Status code
    "msg": "Success",// Message
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": null

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
version string v1 true version, only v1 for now
index string BTCUSD true coin index symbol name

Batch Cancel Order(SIGNED)

Cancel batch Orders by ids

You can submit and modify up to 20 orders in batches at a time. The request parameters should be passed in array format, and the orders will be modified one by one.


curl -X POST 
-H "sign:3260D3D58F2982B9E3982D2BD51B0CF18E153B6F35686DE30ACA1A267925C832" 
-H "X-REQ-TS-DIFF:12" 
-H "x-cc-apikey:mtQ/qQcbFnccSV061nGvWC1Ni9lXf4sBw36NAaDsKMs=" 
-H "ts:1730337237761" 
-H "Content-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8" 
-H "Content-Length:79" 
-H "" 
-H "Connection:Keep-Alive" 
-d '{"clientOrderIdList":[2215534552962207610],"orderIdList":[2215534552962207611]}' ""


        "code": 0,
        "msg": "Success",
        "i18nArgs": null,
        "data": [{
                "clOrdId": 2215534552962207610, // client order id
                "ordId": 2215534552962207611, // order id
                "ts": 1730337238487, 
                "scode": 0, // 0 success, 1 failed
                "smsg": null

HTTP Request



Name Type Required Note
orderIdList list false orderId list
clientOrderIdList list false clientOrderId list


Cancel Orders by symbol(SIGNED)

Cancel option orders by symbol


    "code": 0,// Status code
    "msg": "Success",// Message
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": null

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
symbol string KASUSD-31MAY24-0.1250-C true Options symbol name

Get Open Orders(SIGNED)

Get option open orders


    "code": 0,// Status code
    "msg": "Success",// Message
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": {
                "id": 1665910350698258432,// ID
                "orderId": 1665910350698258432,// Order ID
                "clientOrderId": 123123123,// Client order id
                "symbol": "BTCUSD-6JUN23-24000-C",// Option symbol name
                "displayName":"BTC-6JUN23-24000-C",// Option display name
                "qty": 0.5,// Order Quantity
                "remainQty":0.5,// Unfilled Quantity
                "fillQty": 0,// Filled Quantity
                "price": 2095.6,// Price
                "avgPrice": null,// Average price
                "initMargin": 1047.8,// Initial Margin
                "tradeSide": 1,// Trade side
                "tradeType": 1,// Trade type
                "createTime": 1666667584739,// Time of the order created
                "reduceOnly": 0, // Reduce only
                "indexPrice": 25782.815 // Index Price
        "pageTotal":1,// Total Page Count
        "total":1 // Total Data Count

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
page number 1 false Page number, default is 1
pageSize number 20 false Number of items per page, default is 20, maximum value is 500
currency string BTC false Filter data for a specific currency

Get Order Info(SIGNED)

Get an order information by orderId or clientOrderId


    "code": 0, // Status code
    "msg": "success", //Message
    "i18nArgs": null,
            "orderId": 1665910350698258432,// Order ID
            "clientOrderId": 123123123,// Client order id
            "symbol": "BTCUSD-6JUN23-24000-C",// Option symbol name
            "displayName":"BTC-6JUN23-24000-C",// Option display name
            "qty": 0.5,// Order Quantity
            "remainQty":0.5,// Unfilled Quantity
            "fillQty": 0,// Filled Quantity
            "price": 2095.6,// Price
            "avgPrice": null,// Average price
            "tradeSide": 1,// Trade side
            "tradeType": 1,// Trade type
            "createTime": 1666667584739,// Time of the order created
            "reduceOnly": 0, // Reduce only
            "fee": 0, // transaction fee(accumulated)
            "updateTime": 1685326195118,
            "state": 0 // order status

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
orderId number 111 false query string
clientOrderId number 123123123 false client order id


orderId and clientOrderId, one of the two parameters must be entered.

Get Order Details(SIGNED)

Get Option Order History


    "code": 0,// Status code
    "msg": "Success",// Message
                "orderId": 1665650442392174592, // Order ID
                "clientOrderId": 1665650442392174592,// Client order id
                "symbol": "BTCUSD-25NOV22-8000-C", // Option symbol name
                "displayName": "BTC-25NOV22-8000-C", // Display name
                "qty": 1.00000000, // Order Quantity
                "fillQty": 1.00000000, // Filled Quantity
                "price": 0.49110000, // Order Price
                "avgPrice": 0.49110000, // Average price
                "fee":0.22, // fee
                "rpnl":0.22, // Realized PnL 
                "tradeSide": 1, // Trade side
                "tradeType": 1, // Trade type
                "createTime": 1666667584739,// Time of the order created
                "state": 1, // Order status
                "reduceOnly": 0 // Reduce only
        "hasNext": false, // Whether there is a next page
        "hasPre": false  // Whether there is a previous page

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
pageSize number 20 true Number of items per page, default is 20, maximum value is 500
fromId number 123123123 false Minimum orderId, can be obtained from the result field of the previous page when paging
startTime number 1686308840388 false Start time of the history, default is the current time pushed forward by 24 hours
endTime number 1686308840388 false End time of the history

Get Transaction Details(SIGNED)

Get option transaction history


    "code": 0,// Status code
    "msg": "Success",// Message
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": {
        "list": [
                "id": 1584745240079241216,// ID
                "optionId": null,// Option ID
                "symbol":"BTCUSD-2JUN23-18000-C",// Option symbol name
                "displayName":"BTC-2JUN23-18000-C",// Option display name
                "tradeSide": 1,// Trade side
                "tradeType": 1,// Trade type
                "price": 951.00000000,// Price
                "qty": 2.00000000,// Quantity
                "iv": 0.5606,// Implied Volatility
                "markPrice": 1419.5139928388217,// Mark price
                "indexPrice": 20247.0,// Index price
                "orderId": 1584744827800133632,// Order ID
                "tradeId": 1584745239911469056,// Trade ID
                "fee": 0.00190200,// Fees
                "time": 1666667683034,// Transaction time
                "reduceOnly":0, // Reduce only
                "isTaker":0 // Filled by taker side
        "hasNext": true, // Whether there is a next page
        "hasPre": false  // Whether there is a previous page

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
pageSize number 20 false Number of items per page, default is 20, maximum value is 500
fromId number 123123123 false Minimum tradeId, can be obtained from the result field of the previous page when paging
startTime number 1686308840388 false Start time of the history
endTime number 1686308840388 false End time of the history

Get Exercise Details(SIGNED)

Get option exercise history


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "Success",
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": {
        "list": [
                "symbol": "ETHUSD-13SEP24-2200-C",
                "time": 1726248852785,
                "qty": 2.00000000,
                "tradeSide": 2,
                "strike": 2200.00000000,
                "exercisePrice": 2409.38569142,
                "openCashFlow": 367.60000000,
                "settlementCashFlow": -418.77138284,
                "netCashFlow": -51.17138284,
                "fees": 0.72317826
        "hasNext": true,
        "hasPrev": false

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
symbol string BTCUSD-24MAY22-48000-P false options symbol name
startTime number 1686308840388 false Start time of the history
endTime number 1686308840388 false End time of the history
pageSize number 20 false Number of items per page, default is 20, maximum value is 50
page number 1 false default is 1

Batch Change Order (SIGNED)

You can submit and modify up to 20 orders in batches at a time. The request parameters should be passed in array format, and the orders will be modified one by one.


curl -X' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'sign: XXXXXXXXXXX' \
--data '{
    "orders": [
            "symbol": "BTCUSD-13DEC24-80000-P",
            "orderId": "1864874434381352960",
            "price": "15",
            "qty": "1.6"
            "symbol": "BTCUSD-13DEC24-80000-P",
            "orderId": "1864874396066385920",
            "price": "20",
            "qty": "2.9"
            "symbol": "BCHUSD-13DEC24-260-P",
            "orderId": "1864875076764176384",
            "price": "1.55",
            "qty": "550"
            "symbol": "ICPUSD-13DEC24-7.75-P",
            "orderId": "1864875025362980864",
            "price": "1.514",
            "qty": "110"
            "symbol": "BNBUSD-13DEC24-490-P",
            "orderId": "1864874983130533888",
            "price": "2.9",
            "qty": "31"
            "symbol": "KASUSD-13DEC24-0.1800-P",
            "orderId": "1864874951539036160",
            "price": "1.16",
            "qty": "12"
            "symbol": "DOGEUSD-13DEC24-0.178-P",
            "orderId": "1864874917338681344",
            "price": "0.10",
            "qty": "113"
            "symbol": "SOLUSD-13DEC24-1925.00-P",
            "orderId": "1864874872598040576",
            "price": "3.17",
            "qty": "311"
            "symbol": "ETHUSD-13DEC24-2950-P",
            "orderId": "1864874821687578624",
            "price": "5.123",
            "qty": "150103234"
            "symbol": "ETHUSD-13DEC24-2700-P",
            "orderId": "1863899495616614400",
            "price": "1.3333331",
            "qty": "25"


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "Success",
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": [
            "code": 10558,
            "msg": "less.than.min.amount",
            "i18nArgs": null,
            "data": 1864874951539036160
            "code": 10558,
            "msg": "less.than.min.amount",
            "i18nArgs": null,
            "data": 1864874917338681344
            "code": 10534,
            "msg": "order.size.exceeds.the.maximum.limit.per.order",
            "i18nArgs": null,
            "data": 1864874821687578624
            "code": 0,
            "msg": null,
            "i18nArgs": null,
            "data": 1864874396066385920
            "code": 0,
            "msg": null,
            "i18nArgs": null,
            "data": 1864874872598040576
            "code": 0,
            "msg": null,
            "i18nArgs": null,
            "data": 1864875076764176384
            "code": 0,
            "msg": null,
            "i18nArgs": null,
            "data": 1864874434381352960
            "code": 0,
            "msg": null,
            "i18nArgs": null,
            "data": 1864875025362980864
            "code": 0,
            "msg": null,
            "i18nArgs": null,
            "data": 1864874983130533888
            "code": 10540,
            "msg": "Order has expired",
            "i18nArgs": null,
            "data": 1863899495616614400

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
symbol string BTCUSD-26OCT22-15000-C TRUE Option symbol
qty number 0.5 FALSE Order quantity after modification. Do not pass it if not modify the qty
price number 19000.01 FALSE Order price after modification. Do not pass it if not modify the price
clientOrderId long 123123123 FALSE client order id. Either orderId or clientOrderId is required
orderId number 1663820914095300000 FALSE order id. Either orderId or clientOrderId is required

For each modification request in the instruction:

Call-over settlement price public data

Public data, no signature required, returns a certain currency, all call-over settlement prices, in reverse chronological order, queried before 8:00 UTC today, returns yesterday, the day before yesterday, until the first day with data (data only available after launch).

HTTP Request



Parameter Required Type Enum Description
symbol TRUE string BTCUSD
Index identifier, matches (base) cryptocurrency with quote currency


    "data": [
        "date": "2024-12-23",
        "delivery_price": 7131.214606410254
        "date": "2024-12-22",
        "delivery_price": 7150.943217777777
        "date": "2024-12-21",
        "delivery_price": 7175.988445532345
    "records_total": 58


Board list(SIGNED)

Get board list


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "Success",
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": {
        "requestList": [
                "legList": [ // per request list
                        "type": 1, // trade type, 1 options, 2 futures, 3 spot
                        "tradeSide": 1, // trade side, 1 buy, 2 sell
                        "symbol": "BTCUSD-11OCT24-65000-C",
                        "amount": 0.5 // trade size
                "requestId": 1840600952218980352, // this request ID
                "expireTime": 1727670238401
                "legList": [
                        "type": 1,
                        "tradeSide": 1,
                        "symbol": "BTCUSD-13SEP24-56000-C",
                        "amount": 0.1
                        "type": 1,
                        "tradeSide": 1,
                        "symbol": "BTCUSD-20SEP24-56000-P",
                        "amount": 0.1
                "requestId": 1831961206433386496,
                "expireTime": 1725610362477
        "currentPage": 1,
        "pageTotal": 1,
        "total": 2

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
currentPage integer 1 true No default.
pageSize integer 10 true No default, max size is 1500

Create quote(SIGNED)

Creates quote for RFQ


    "code": 0,
    "msg": null,
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": 1840685647012708354 // Quote ID

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
requestId integer 1840685647012708354 true request RFQ ID.
orderOpenApiDetailReqs string true Json Map
-> price string 10.1 true quote price
-> symbol string BTCUSD-13SEP24-56000-C true quote symbol
-> type string 1 true 1 Options, 2 Futures, 3 Spot

Parameter Example

body = { {'orderOpenApiDetailReqs': '[{"price":"2000","symbol":"BTCUSD-11OCT24-65000-C","type":"1"},{"price":"1000","symbol":"BTCUSD-11OCT24-60000-C","type":"1"}]', 'requestId': 1840600952218980352} }

Cancel quote(SIGNED)

Cancel quote for RFQ


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "Success",
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": 1840685647012708354

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
quoteId integer 1840685647012708354 true Quote ID

Futures Endpoint

Get instruments

Get futures instruments


            "ticker_id":"BTC-USD", // symbol id
            "base_volume":"2485.862", // 24 hour trading volume in BASE currency
            "usd_volume":"106351139.55450000", // 24 hour trading volume in USD
            "quote_volume":"106351139.55450000", // 24 hour trading volume in QUOTE currency
            "bid":"42777.9", // Current highest bid price
            "ask":"42779.6", // Current lowest ask price
            "high":"43849.6", // Rolling 24-hour highest transaction price
            "low":"42549.2", // Rolling 24-hour lowest transaction price
            "index_price":"42751.48738636", // Last calculated index price for underlying of contract
            "funding_rate":"0.00016736", // Current funding rate
            "next_funding_rate":"0.00016736", // Upcoming predicted funding rate
            "next_funding_rate_timestamp":1703606400000, // Timestamp of the next funding rate change

HTTP Request




Get OrderBook

Get futures order book


        "symbol":"BTC-USD", // symbol id
        "bids":[ // // Bid, buyer. Sort by price desc
                "42759.1", // price
                "0.568" // size
        "asks":[ // Ask, seller. Order by price asc
        "timestamp":1703579842559 // // The timestamp (ms) that the system generates the data

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
symbol string BTC-USD true Symbol name
depth Integer 1 false Limit size for each bid and ask, [ 1, 10, 20, 50, 100] Default: 1.

Get Symbol Information

Get futures symbol


    "code": 0,// Status code
    "msg": "success",// Message
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": [{
        "contractId": 1,// Contract ID
        "symbol": "BTCUSD",// Symbol
        "symbolName":"BTC/USD",// Symbol name
        "displayName":"BTC-PERP",// Symbol display name
        "baseToken":"BTC",// Base Token
        "quoteToken":"USD",// Quote Token
        "price": 25614.7,// Price
        "changeRate": -0.003,// Price change in percentage
        "changePrice":-78.2,// Price change in value
        "markPrice": 25661.25861712,// Mark price
        "indexPrice": 25754.025,// Index Price
        "price24hHigh": 27065.7,// Highest price in 24hrs
        "price24hLow": 18000,// Lowest price in 24hrs
        "volumeUsd24h": 3846213875.0958,// USD volume in 24hrs
        "volume24h": 147370.135,// Volume in 24hrs
        "ts": 20201116024818,// Timestamp
        "price24hOpen":25692.9,// Open price on UTC 00:00:00
        "hasOption":true,// Whether there are options
        "sortIdx":null // Sort Field

HTTP Request




Get OrderBook

Get futures order book for 100 depth


    "code": 0,// Status code
    "msg": "success",//Message
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": {
        "symbol": "BTCUSD",// Symbol
        "bids": [{
            "size": "0.001",// Size
            "price": "18801"// Price
        "asks": [{
            "size": "0.992",// Size
            "price": "18898"// Price

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
symbol string BTCUSD true Symbol name


Query for historical klines (also known as candles/candlesticks)


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "Success",
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": [{
            "open": 27437.30000000, // Open price
            "close": 27435.10000000, // Close price
            "low": 27435.10000000, // Lowest price
            "high": 27437.30000000, // Highest price
            "volume": 14.24300000, // Trade volume
            "time": 1693526400000, // Start time of this line (ms)
            "period": "D1" // period
            "open": 27435.10000000,
            "close": 27434.90000000,
            "low": 27434.90000000,
            "high": 27435.10000000,
            "volume": 0.00300000,
            "time": 1693612800000,
            "period": "D1"

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
symbol string BTCUSD true Symbol name
period string D1 true granularity of K-line
start integer 1697760509000 true Start time(ms)
end integer 1697771549000 true End time(ms)
limit integer 1 true Please make sure limit=1.

Get Last Trade

Get futures last trade


    "code": 0,// Status code
    "msg": "success",//Message
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": [{
        "symbol": "BTCUSD",// Symbol
        "price": "18898",// Price
        "qty": "0.001",// Quantity
        "time": 1666754916559,// Time of the transaction
        "tradeSide": 1 // Trade side

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
symbol string BTCUSD true Symbol name

Get leverage(SIGNED)

Get current futrues leverage


  "code": 0,// Status code
  "msg": "success",
  "i18nArgs": null,
  "data": {
    "userId": 123,// User ID
    "symbol": "BTCUSD",// Symbol
    "currentLeverage": 5 // Current leverage

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
symbol string BTCUSD true Symbol name

Set Leverage(SIGNED)

Set futures leverage


  "code": 0,// Status code
  "msg": "success",//Message
  "i18nArgs": null,
  "data": null

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
symbol string BTCUSD true Symbol name
leverage number 10 true leverage for this symbol

Get Positions(SIGNED)

Get futures positions


  "code": 0,// Status code
  "msg": "success",//Message
  "i18nArgs": null,
  "data": [
      "id": 1584467417583730700,// ID
      "positionId": 1584467417583730700,// Position ID
      "updateTime": 1666602220413,// Update time
      "userId": 1536933707941347300,// User ID
      "value": 176.7825,// Value of Position
      "qty": 0.009,// Quantity
      "initMargin": 35.3565,// Initial margin
      "maintMargin": 1.767825,// Maintnance margin
      "avgPrice": 19642.5,// Average price
      "markPrice": 18900.38311437,// Mark price
      "elp": null,// Estimated liquidation price
      "roi": -0.03778118,// ROI
      "upnl": -6.67905197067,// Unrealized Pnl
      "symbol": "BTCUSD",//symbol
      "displayName": "BTC-PERP",// Display name
      "tradeSide": 1,// Trade side
      "leverage": 5,// Leverage
      "delta": 0.009,// Position delta
      "baseToken": "BTC", // Base token
      "quoteToken": "USD" // Quote token

HTTP Request




Place Order(SIGNED)

Place a futures order


  "code": 0,// Status code
  "msg": "success",//Message
  "i18nArgs": null,
  "data": 1673571411341475840 // Order id

HTTP Request


Rate Limit: 60/s


Name Type Value Required Note
clientOrderId long 123123123 false client order id
symbol string BTCUSD true Futures Symbol
price number 19000.01 false Price, required for limit orders
qty number 0.5 true Quantity
tradeSide number 1 true Trade Side, 1 BUY 2 SELL
tradeType number 1 true Trade Type, 1 LIMIT 2 MARKET 3 POST_ONLY
timeInForce string GTC false IOC, FOK. default: GTC
reduceOnly number 1 false Reduce the position quantity only, 1 reduce only true, 0 reduce only false

Time in force (timeInForce):

Name Note
GTC Good Till Cancel
IOC Immediate or Cancel
FOK Fill or Kill

Cancel Order(SIGNED)

Cancel a futures order


  "code": 0,// Status code
  "msg": "success",//Message
  "i18nArgs": null,
  "data": null

HTTP Request


Rate Limit: 60/s


Name Type Value Required Note
orderId number 111 true query string
clientOrderId number 123123123 false client order id


orderId and clientOrderId, one of the two parameters must be entered.

Cancel Orders(SIGNED)

Cancel futures orders by symbol


    "code": 0,// Status code
    "msg": "Success",// Message
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": null

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
version string v1 true version, only v1 for now
symbol string BTCUSD true Futures symbol name

Batch Cancel Order(SIGNED)

Cancel batch Orders by ids


curl -X POST 
-H "sign:3260D3D58F2982B9E3982D2BD51B0CF18E153B6F35686DE30ACA1A267925C832" 
-H "X-REQ-TS-DIFF:12" 
-H "x-cc-apikey:mtQ/qQcbFnccSV061nGvWC1Ni9lXf4sBw36NAaDsKMs=" 
-H "ts:1730337237761" 
-H "Content-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8" 
-H "Content-Length:79" 
-H "" 
-H "Connection:Keep-Alive" 
-d '{"clientOrderIdList":[2215534552962207610],"orderIdList":[2215534552962207611]}' ""


        "code": 0,
        "msg": "Success",
        "i18nArgs": null,
        "data": [{
                "clOrdId": 2215534552962207610, // client order id
                "ordId": 2215534552962207611, // order id
                "ts": 1730337238487, 
                "scode": 0, // 0 success, 1 failed
                "smsg": null

HTTP Request



Name Type Required Note
orderIdList list false orderId list
clientOrderIdList list false clientOrderId list


Get Open Orders(SIGNED)

Get open orders


    "code": 0, // Status code
    "msg": "success", //Message
    "i18nArgs": null,
                "id": 1663004711982333952,// ID
                "clientOrderId":1000200000, // Client order id
                "orderId": 1663004711982333952, // Order id
                "symbol": "BTCUSD",// Futures symbol name
                "displayName": "BTC-PERP", // Futures display name
                "qty": 1.00000000, // Order Quantity
                "remainQty": 1.00000000, // Unfilled Quantity
                "fillQty": 0E-8, // Filled Quantity
                "price": 500.00000000, // Price
                "avgPrice": 0E-8, // Average price
                "initMargin": 166.66666667,  // Initial Margin
                "tradeSide": 1,  // Trade side
                "tradeType": 1,  // Trade type
                "createTime": 1685326195118,// Time of the order created
                "reduceOnly": 0,  //Reduce only
                "leverage": 3,  //  Leverage
                "expression": null,  // Conditional Expression (GE -- Greater than or equal to, LE -- Less than or equal to)
                "triggerPrice": null,  // Trigger Price
                "timeInForce": "IOC"
        "pageTotal":1,// Total Page Count
        "total":1 // Total Data Count

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
page number 1 false Page number, default is 1
pageSize number 20 false Number of items per page, default is 20
symbol string BTCUSD false Filter data for a specific symbol

Get Order Info(SIGNED)

Get an order information by orderId or clientOrderId


    "code": 0, // Status code
    "msg": "success", //Message
    "i18nArgs": null,
            "clientOrderId":1000200000, // Client order id
            "orderId": 1663004711982333952, // Order id
            "symbol": "BTCUSD",// Futures symbol name
            "displayName": "BTC-PERP", // Futures display name
            "qty": 1.00000000, // Order Quantity
            "remainQty": 1.00000000, // Unfilled Quantity
            "fillQty": 0E-8, // Filled Quantity
            "price": 500.00000000, // Price
            "avgPrice": 0E-8, // Average price
            "tradeSide": 1,  // Trade side
            "tradeType": 1,  // Trade type
            "createTime": 1685326195118,// Time of the order created
            "reduceOnly": 0,  //Reduce only
            "leverage": 3,  //  Leverage
            "fee": 0, // transaction fee(accumulated)
            "updateTime": 1685326195118,
            "state": 0, // order status
            "timeInForce": "IOC"

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
orderId number 111 false query string
clientOrderId number 123123123 false client order id


orderId and clientOrderId, one of the two parameters must be entered.

Get Order Details(SIGNED)

Get futures order history


    "code": 0,// Status code
    "msg": "success",//Message
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": {
        "list": [{
            "clientOrderId":1000200000, // Client order id
            "orderId": 1665650442392174592,  // Order id
            "symbol": "XRPUSD",// Futures symbol name
            "displayName": "XRP-PERP",// Futures display name
            "qty": 1.00000000,  // Order Quantity
            "fillQty": 1.00000000, // Filled Quantity
            "price": 0.49110000,   // Price
            "avgPrice": 0.49110000, // Average price
            "fee": 0.00039288,  // Order transaction fee
            "rpnl": 0E-8, // Realized Pnl
            "tradeSide": 2, // Trade side
            "tradeType": 1, // Trade type
            "createTime": 1685956986404,// Time of the order created
            "state": 1, //Order Status
            "reduceOnly": 0, // Reduce only
            "leverage": 3, //Lleverage
            "expression": null,  // Conditional Expression (GE -- Greater than or equal to, LE -- Less than or equal to)
            "triggerPrice": null  // Trigger Price
        "hasNext": false, // Whether there is a next page
        "hasPre": false  // Whether there is a previous page

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
pageSize number 10 true Number of items per page
fromId number 123123123 false Minimum orderId, can be obtained from the result field of the previous page when paging
startTime number 1686308840388 false Start time of the history, default is the current time pushed forward by 24 hours
endTime number 1686308840388 false End time of the history

Get Transaction details(SIGNED)

Get futrues transaction history


    "code": 0,// Status code
    "msg": "success",//Message
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": {
        "list": [{
            "id": 1574775822713806849,// ID
            "contractId": null,// Contract ID
            "symbol": "ETHUSD",// Symbol
            "displayName": "ETH-PERP",// Display name
            "tradeSide": 1,// Trade side
            "tradeType": 1,// Trade type
            "price": 1389.00000000,// Price
            "qty": 1.00000000,// Quantity
            "markPrice": null,// Mark price
            "indexPrice": 1389.26000000,// Index Price
            "orderId": 1574775820017352705,// Order ID
            "tradeId": 1574775820805869568,// Trade ID
            "fee": 0.13890000,// Fees
            "time": 1664290788701,// Time of the transaction
            "leverage": 5, // Leverage
            "isTaker": 1 // Filled by taker side, 1 Taker 0 FALSE
        "hasNext": true, // Whether there is a next page
        "hasPre": false  // Whether there is a previous page

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
pageSize number 10 false Quantity per page
fromId number 123123123 false Minimum orderId, can be obtained from the result field of the previous page when paging
startTime number 1686308840388 false Start time of the history
endTime number 1686308840388 false End time of the history

Get Funding Rate Details(SIGNED)

Get Funding Rate History


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "success",
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": {
        "list": [
                "id": 379372,
                "symbol": "TONUSD",
                "displayName": "TONUSDT Perp",
                "tradeSide": 1,
                "qty": 2.00000000,
                "fundFee": -0.00114441,
                "fundRate": 0.00010000,
                "ctime": 1730160005432
                "id": 379361,
                "symbol": "TRXUSD",
                "displayName": "TRXUSDT Perp",
                "tradeSide": 2,
                "qty": 2.00000000,
                "fundFee": 0.00002432,
                "fundRate": 0.00010000,
                "ctime": 1730160004652
                "id": 379270,
                "symbol": "TONUSD",
                "displayName": "TONUSDT Perp",
                "tradeSide": 1,
                "qty": 2.00000000,
                "fundFee": -0.00114441,
                "fundRate": 0.00010000,
                "ctime": 1730131205546
                "id": 379259,
                "symbol": "TRXUSD",
                "displayName": "TRXUSDT Perp",
                "tradeSide": 2,
                "qty": 2.00000000,
                "fundFee": 0.00002432,
                "fundRate": 0.00010000,
                "ctime": 1730131204634
        "pageTotal": 1,
        "total": 4

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
symbol string BTCUSD true futures symbol name
startTime number 1686308840388 false Start time of the history
endTime number 1686308840388 false End time of the history
pageSize number 20 false Number of items per page, default is 20, maximum value is 50
page number 1 false default is 1

Spot Endpoint

Get Instruments

Query for the instrument specification of online trading pairs.


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "success",
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": {
        "symbol": "TRXUSDT", // Symbol name
        "baseCoin": "TRX", // Base coin
        "quoteCoin": "USDT", // Quote coin
        "enableTrading": 1, // Enable trade, 1 TRUE 0 FALSE
        "lotSizeFilter": {
            "basePrecision": "0", // The precision of base coin
            "quotePrecision": "2", // The precision of quote coin
            "maxOrderSize": 10, // Maximum order size
            "minQty": "1", // Minimum order quantity
            "maxQty": "10000000", // Maximum order quantity
            "maxMarketQty": "5000000" // Maximum market order quantity
        "priceFilter": {
            "tickSize": "0.00001" // The step to increase/reduce order price

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
symbol string TRXUSDT false Symbol name
limit integer 1 false Limit for data size per page. [1, 1000]. Default: 500


Query for historical klines (also known as candles/candlesticks)


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "success",
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": [{
        "endTime": 1697087280000, // Close Time
        "open": 0.4684, // Open price
        "close": 0.0, // Close price
        "low": 0.4684, // Lowest price
        "high": 0.4684, // Highest price
        "volume": 0.0, // Trade volume
        "volumeUsd": 0.0 // Trade volume in USD

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
symbol string TRXUSDT true Symbol name
interval string 1min true Kline interval.
start integer 1698202825192 false The start timestamp (ms)
end integer 1698202825192 false The end timestamp (ms)
limit integer 1 false Limit for data size per page. [1, 1000]. Default: 200

Get Orderbook

Query for orderbook depth data.


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "success",
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": {
        "s": "XRPUSDT", // Symbol name
        "b": [ // Bid, buyer. Sort by price desc
            [0.5459, 22.0] // price, size
        "a": [ // Ask, seller. Order by price asc
            [0.5479, 132.0]
        "ts": 1698202825192, // The timestamp (ms) that the system generates the data
        "u": 7144136 // Update ID, is always in sequence

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
symbol string TRXUSDT true Symbol name
depth integer 1 false Limit size for each bid and ask, [ 1, 10, 20, 50, 100,200] Default: 1.

Get Public Trading History

Query recent public trading data.


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "success",
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": [{
        "tradeId": "714412239621107665563948", // trade ID
        "symbol": "XRPUSDT", // Symbol name
        "price": 0.5479, // Trade price
        "qty": 1.0, // Trade quantity
        "side": 1, // Side of taker `Buy` 1, `Sell` 2
        "ts": 1698148006763 // Trade time (ms)

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
symbol string TRXUSDT true Symbol name
limit integer 1 false Limit for data size per [ 1, 100], default: 1

Get Tickers 24hr

Query for the latest price snapshot, best bid/ask price, and trading volume in the last 24 hours.


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "success",
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": {
        "s": "XRPUSDT", // Symbol name
        "base": "XRP", // Base coin
        "quote": "USDT", // Quote coin
        "o": 0.53, // Open price
        "h": 0.5605, // The highest price in the last 24 hours
        "l": 0.53, // The lowest price in the last 24 hours
        "c": 0.5479, // Close price
        "a": 82023.0, // Volume in base coin for 24h
        "v": 44828.4405, // Volume for 24h
        "i": 0.55363524, // indexprice
        "cp": 0.017900000000000027, // Price change in value
        "r": 0.033773584905660424, // Price change in percentage
        "hasOption": false // Whether there are options

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
symbol string TRXUSDT false Symbol name

Place Order(SIGNED)

Create a new order.


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "Success",
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": 42953967928017000 // Order ID

HTTP Request


Rate Limit: 60/s


Name Type Value Required Note
symbol string TRXUSDT true Symbol name
clientOrderId string abc123 false Client order id
tradeSide string 1 true 1 BUY 2 SELL
tradeType string 1 true 1 LIMIT,2 MARKET,3 POST_ONLY
qty string 1 false Order quantity.
price string 0.53 false Order price.
Type Additional mandatory parameters
LIMIT, POST_ONLY qty, price

Cancel Order(SIGNED)

Cancel an open order.


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "Success",
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": true

HTTP Request


Rate Limit: 60/s


Name Type Value Required Note
orderId string 1321003749386327552 false Order ID. Either orderId or clientOrderId is required
clientOrderId string abc123 false User customized order ID. Either orderId or clientOrderId is required

Cancel Orders(SIGNED)

Cancels all active orders on one symbol.


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "Success",
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": true

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
symbol string TRXUSDT true Symbol name

Query Order(SIGNED)

Check an order's status.


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "Success",
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": {
        "id": 320295,
        "clientOrderId": "42953967928017000", // User customised order ID
        "orderId": 42953967928017000, // Order ID
        "userId": 8098448373, // User ID
        "symbol": "XRPUSDT", // Symbol name
        "displaySymbol": "XRP/USDT", // Symbol Display name
        "price": "0.566", // Order price
        "avgPrice": "0.5479", // Average trade price
        "qty": "1", // Order quantity
        "fillQty": "1", // Trade quantity
        "remainQty": "0", // Remain quantity
        "status": 1, // Order status
        "tradeSide": 1, // Trade side
        "tradeType": 2, // Trade Type 
        "fee": "0.0001", // Transaction fee(accumulated)
        "feeCurrency": "XRP", // Fee charged in
        "ts": 1698208992286, // Order created timestamp (ms)
        "updateTime": 1698208992345 // Order updated timestamp (ms)

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
orderId string 1321003749386327552 false Order ID. Either orderId or clientOrderId is required
clientOrderId string abc123 false User customized order ID. Either orderId or clientOrderId is required

Query Open Orders(SIGNED)

Get all open orders.


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "Success",
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": [{
        "id": 320307,
        "clientOrderId": "42953967928017012", // User customised order ID
        "orderId": 42953967928017012, // Order ID
        "userId": 8098448373, // User ID
        "symbol": "XRPUSDT", // Symbol name
        "displaySymbol": "XRP/USDT", // Symbol display name
        "price": "0.5446", // Trade price
        "avgPrice": "0", // Average trade price
        "qty": "1", // Order quantity
        "fillQty": "0", // Trade quantity
        "remainQty": "1", // Remain quantity
        "status": 0, // Order status
        "tradeSide": 1, // Trade side
        "tradeType": 1, // Trade Type
        "fee": "0", // Transaction fee(accumulated)
        "feeCurrency": null, // Fee charged in
        "ts": 1698215274894, // Order created timestamp (ms)
        "updateTime": 1698215274950 // Order updated timestamp (ms)

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
symbol string TRXUSDT false Symbol name

Query All Orders(SIGNED)

Get all orders; active, canceled, or filled.


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "Success",
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": [{
        "id": 320307,
        "clientOrderId": "42953967928017012", // User customised order ID
        "orderId": 42953967928017012, // Order ID
        "userId": 8098448373, // User ID
        "symbol": "XRPUSDT", // Symbol name
        "displaySymbol": "XRP/USDT", // Symbol display name
        "price": "0.5446", // Trade price
        "avgPrice": "0", // Average trade price
        "qty": "1", // Order quantity
        "fillQty": "0", // Trade quantity
        "remainQty": "1", // Remain quantity
        "status": 0, // Order status
        "tradeSide": 1, // Trade side
        "tradeType": 1, // Trade Type
        "fee": "0", // Transaction fee(accumulated)
        "feeCurrency": null, // Fee charged in
        "ts": 1698215274894, // Order created timestamp (ms)
        "updateTime": 1698215274950 // Order updated timestamp (ms)

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
symbol string TRXUSDT false Symbol name
limit integer 1 false Limit for data size per page. [1, 1000]. Default: 500
startTime integer 1698202825192 false The start timestamp (ms)
endTime integer 1698202825192 false The end timestamp (ms)

Query Fill List(SIGNED)

Get fills trade list.


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "Success",
    "i18nArgs": null,
    "data": [{
        "id": 20598,
        "clientOrderId": "42953967928017002", // User customised order ID
        "orderId": 42953967928017002, // Order ID
        "tradeId": "714414039621107665563948", // Trade ID
        "userId": 8098448373, // User ID
        "symbol": "XRPUSDT", // Symbol name
        "displaySymbol": "XRP/USDT", // Symbol display name
        "tradeSide": 1, // Trade side
        "price": "0.5479", // Order price
        "qty": "1", // Order quantity
        "isTaker": 1, // Filled by taker side, `1` Taker `0` FALSE
        "fee": "0.0001", // Transaction fee(accumulated)
        "feeCurrency": "XRP", // Fee charged in
        "ts": 1698209660112, // Order created timestamp (ms)
        "updateTime": 1698209660112 // Order updated timestamp (ms)

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
symbol string TRXUSDT false Symbol name
orderId number 42953967928017012 false Order ID
limit integer 1 false Limit for data size per page. [1, 1000]. Default: 500
startTime integer 1698202825192 false The start timestamp (ms)
endTime integer 1698202825192 false The end timestamp (ms)

Options WebSocket

# Sample code 

import hashlib
import hmac
import time
import websocket
import json
import threading

api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
api_sec = "YOUR_API_SECRET"

def on_open(ws):
    print("WebSocket connection opened.")
    # Send a subscribe message after the connection opened.
    ws.send(json.dumps({ "action":"subscribe", "dataType":"orderBook", "payload":{ "symbol":"BTCUSD-27DEC24-65000-C" } }))

def on_close(ws, status, message):
    print(f'WebSocket connection closed. status: {status}, message: {message}')

def on_error(ws, error):
    print(f'WebSocket error: {error}')

def on_message(ws, message):
    data = json.loads(message)

def get_signed_header(ts):
    uri = '/users/self/verify'
    auth = verb + uri + '?uuid=' + api_key + '&ts=' + str(ts)
    signature ='utf-8'), auth.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
    signature = signature.upper()
    return signature

ts = int(time.time()*1000)
sign = get_signed_header(ts)
socket = 'wss://' + api_key +'&ts='+ str(ts) +'&sign=' + sign + '&apiKey=' + api_key
ws = websocket.WebSocketApp(socket, on_open=on_open, on_close=on_close, on_error=on_error, on_message=on_message)

def run():

ws_thread = threading.Thread(target=run)

while True:
    # Wait for the WebSocket connection to be established
    if ws.sock and ws.sock.connected:
        # Send heartbeat
        msg = {"action":"heartbeat"}
        # If the WebSocket connection is not established, wait 3 seconds

Value of Connection Parameters

Name Required Note
code true 10, build connection
uuid false Custom id by user
ts true Timestamp, 1687326076897
sign true Signature
apiKey true your api key

sign: signature string, the signature algorithm is as follows:

First concatenate method + uri + ?uuid=your_api_key&ts=your_timestamp (where + represents String concatenation), then use HMAC SHA256 method to encrypt the concatenated string with apiSecret, and then perform Base64 encoding.

method: always GET.

uri : always /users/self/verify

Data Abbreviations

Please refer to the following field abbreviations for data fields in the futures request/response:

Name Note
c code, Operations for Request Protocol Execution
rc responseCode, Status of the Response Protocol
d data, Request/Response payload
p position, Subscription Data Page Location
s symbol
high high, The highest price
low low, The lowest price
pe period, granularity of K-line
v volume
close close price
open open price
ts timestamp
uv tradeValue
rt rt, remian timestamp
mp markPrice
lp lastPrice
ip indexPrice
delta delta
iv Implied Volatility
theta theta
cp changePrice, Price change in value
pr0 price24hOpen, Open price on UTC 00:00:00
cr changeRate, Price change in percentage
uv24 volumeUsd24h, USD volume in 24hrs
v24 volume24h, Volume in 24hrs
oi openInterest
up underlyingPrice
gamma gamma
vega vega
biv bidIv, Best bid IV
aiv askIv, Best ask IV
bs bidSize, Best bid size
as askSize, Best ask size
ask ask, Best ask price
bid bid, Best bid price
pr price, last price
sz size
sd tradeSide
q qty, quantity
fq fill qty
mm pmMmAmount, maintenanceMargin in PM
ab available balance
e equityAmount
mb marginBalance
btcv btc value
wb canWithdrawPmAmount
upnl Unrealized Pnl
ap average proce
coid clientOrderId
os order status
im initialMargin in PM
dv Value in dollar
oid orderId
si trade side
ty trade type
uid userId
ct createTime
ro reduceOnly
tid trade ID
rq remainQty, Unfilled Quantity
mpr match price
mq match quantity
le leverage
it isTaker
cq canceled quantity


{ "action":"heartbeat" }


    "rc":1 // 1 Success

RFQ list


{ "action":"subscribe", "dataType":"blockTrade" }


{ "action":"unSubscribe", "dataType":"blockTrade" }


// New Order msgType:1
    "dt": 20,
    "c": 20,
    "d": {
        "msg": "{"msgType":1,"content":{"seekVOList":[{"symbol":"BTCUSD-11OCT24-64000-C","amount":0.1,"role":1,"tradeSide":1,"displayName":"BTC-11OCT24-64000-C","seekId":1840692011045359616,"uid":8098448373,"price":1986.02321251,"ctime":1727690148510,"id":1840692011118247938,"state":0,"underSymbol":"BTC","tradeType":1}],"endTime":1727691948510,"seekId":1840692011045359616}}"
    "ts": 1727690148550

// Cancel Order msgType:2
    "dt": 20,
    "c": 20,
    "d": {
        "msg": "{"msgType":2,"content":[1840692011045359616]}"
    "ts": 1727690155297

K-line Data


{ "action":"subscribe", "dataType":"kline", "payload":{ "symbol":"BTCUSD-27MAY23-24000-P", "period":"h1" } }


{ "action":"unSubscribe", "dataType":"kline", "payload":{ "symbol":"BTCUSD-27MAY23-24000-P", "period":"h1" } }


    "dt": 2,
    "c": 20,
    "d": {
        "high": 4056.40850000, // The highest price
        "s": "BTCUSD-4JUL23-27000-C", // symbol 
        "low": 4056.40850000, // The lowest price
        "pe": "m1", // period
        "v": 0, // volume 
        "close": 4056.40850000, // close price
        "open": 4056.40850000, // open price
        "ts": 1688449080000 // timestamp

Pricing Information


{ "action":"subscribe", "dataType":"bsInfo", "payload":{ "symbol":"BTCUSD-27MAY23-23500-C" } }


{ "action":"unSubscribe", "dataType":"bsInfo", "payload":{ "symbol":"BTCUSD-27MAY23-23500-C" } }


    "dt": 3,
    "c": 20,
    "d": {
        "uv": 30783000.00000000, // tradeValue
        "rt": 2081914160, // remian timestamp
        "mp": 834.28262809, // markPrice 
        "lp": 834.29106136, // last price 
        "ip": 31059.68000000, // indexprice 
        "delta": 0.34898, // delta
        "h": 783.67149194, // price24hHigh, Highest price in 24hrs
        "l": 665.61113639, // price24hLow, Lowest price in 24hrs
        "iv": 0.4728, // Implied Volatility
        "theta": -29.14546, // theta
        "cp": -64.84120504, // changePrice, Price change in value
        "pr0": 899.13226640, // price24hOpen, Open price on UTC 00:00:00
        "cr": -0.0721, // changeRate, Price change in percentage
        "s": "BTCUSD-28JUL23-33000-C", // symbol
        "uv24": 30783000.00000000, // volumeUsd24h, USD volume in 24hrs
        "v": 1000.00000000, // volume
        "v24": 1000.00000000, // volume24h, Volume in 24hrs
        "oi": 1000.00000000, // openInterest
        "up": 31248.97, // underlyingPrice
        "gamma": 0.00010, // gamma
        "vega": 29.70793, // vega
        "ts": 1688449285840 // timestamp

Option Chain Data


{ "action":"subscribe", "dataType":"tOption", "payload":{ "symbol":"BTCUSD", "end":1685174400000 } }


{ "action":"unSubscribe", "dataType":"tOption", "payload":{ "symbol":"BTCUSD", "end":1685174400000 } }


    "dt": 4,
    "c": 20,
    "d": [{
        "mp": 4038.58550000, // markPrice 
        "lp": 4038.58550000, // last price 
        "delta": 1.00000, // delta
        "theta": 0.00000, // theta
        "cp": -124.21240000, // changePrice, Price change in value
        "biv": 0.01, // bidIv, Best bid IV
        "aiv": 0.01, // askIv, Best ask IV
        "cr": -0.0298, // changeRate, Price change in percentage
        "bs": 0.2, // bidSize, Best bid size
        "as": 0, // askSize, Best ask size
        "s": "BTCUSD-4JUL23-27000-C", // symbol 
        "v": 1.00000000, // volume
        "ask": 0, // ask, Best ask price
        "v24": 1.00000000, // volume24h, Volume in 24hrs
        "oi": 1.00000000, // openInterest
        "upv": 0,
        "up": 31038.5855, // underlyingPrice
        "bid": 1, // bid, Best bid price
        "gamma": 0.00000, // gamma
        "vega": 0.00000, // vega
        "ts": 1688452774463 // timestamp



{ "action":"subscribe", "dataType":"orderBook", "payload":{ "symbol":"BTCUSD-27MAY23-26000-C" } }


{ "action":"unSubscribe", "dataType":"orderBook", "payload":{ "symbol":"BTCUSD-27MAY23-26000-C" } }

Update Speed: 100ms

Message channel for the 100 best ask/bid full data.


    "dt": 5,
    "c": 20,
    "d": {
        "s": "BTCUSD-4JUL23-27000-C", // symbol
        "asks": [{
            "pr": "4038.58", // price 
            "sz": "1" // size 
        "bids": [{
            "pr": "1",
            "sz": "0.2"
        "ts": 1688453641701 // timestamp

Last Trades


{ "action":"subscribe", "dataType":"lastTrade", "payload":{ "symbol":"BTCUSD-27MAY23-26000-C" } }


{ "action":"unSubscribe", "dataType":"lastTrade", "payload":{ "symbol":"BTCUSD-27MAY23-26000-C" } }


    "dt": 6,
    "c": 20,
    "d": [{
        "q": "1", // qty, quantity
        "sd": 1, // tradeSide
        "pr": "2757.03", // price
        "s": "BTCUSD-4JUL23-27000-C", // symbol
        "ts": 1688454356810 // timestamp

Real-Time Account Margin


{ "action":"subscribe", "dataType":"accountBalance" }


{ "action":"unSubscribe", "dataType":"accountBalance" }

    "dt": 7,
    "c": 20,
    "d": {
        "mm": 3.18161452, // pmMmAmount maintenanceMargin in PM
        "uid": 8095151726, // UID
        "ab": 49999781762.68412425, // available balance
        "dv": 49999935154.66088082, // Value in dollar
        "assets": [{
            "availableBalance": 138.00000000,
            "coin": "XRP"
        }, {
            "availableBalance": 3999989.00000000,
            "coin": "TRX"
        }, {
            "availableBalance": 49999781762.68412425,
            "coin": "USDT"
        "im": 1762.52258038, // pmImAmount initialMargin in PM
        "e": 49999935154.66088082, // equityAmount 
        "mb": 49999783525.20670463, // marginBalance
        "delta": "0",
        "btcv": 1448491.54875762, // btc value
        "wb": 49999781762.68412425, // canWithdrawPmAmount 
        "upnl": 49325.72664219 // unrealizedAmount 



{ "action":"subscribe", "dataType":"order" }


{ "action":"unSubscribe", "dataType":"order" }


Status: 0 NEW
  "dt": 11,
  "c": 20,
  "d": {
    "coid":1000200000, // Client order id
    "oid": 1663004711982333952, // Order id
    "uid": "8095151726", // User id
    "s": "BTCUSD",// Futures symbol name
    "q": "1", // Order Quantity
    "pr": "500", // Price
    "si": 1,  // Trade side > si
    "ty": 1,  // Trade type > ty
    "ct": 1685326195118,// Time of the order created
    "ts": 1685326195118,// Time of this event
    "ro": 0,  //Reduce only
    "le": 3,  //  Leverage
    "os": 0 //Status NEW

Status: 1 FILLED
  "dt": 11,
  "c": 20,
  "d": {
    "oid": 1665910350698258432,// Order ID
    "coid": 123123123,// Client order id
    "uid": "8095151726", // User id
    "s": "BTCUSD-6JUN23-24000-C",// Option symbol name
    "rq":"0.5",// Unfilled Quantity
    "fq": "0",// Filled Quantity
    "q": "0.5",// Order Quantity
    "pr": "2095.6",// Price
    "mpr": "499", // filled price in this trade
    "mq": "0.5", // filled quantity in this trade
    "ap": "2095.6",// Average price
    "si": 1,// Trade side
    "ty": 1,// Trade type
    "ct": 1666667584739,// Time of the order created
    "ts": 1685326195118,// Time of this event
    "ro": 0, // Reduce only
    "it": 0, // Taker or Maker, 1 TRUE 0 FALSE
    "os": 1 // FILLED

  "dt": 11,
  "c": 20,
  "d": {
    "oid": 1665910350698258432,// Order ID
    "coid": 123123123,// Client order id
    "uid": "8095151726", // User id
    "s": "BTCUSD-6JUN23-24000-C",// Option symbol name
    "rq":"0.5",// Unfilled Quantity
    "fq": "0",// Filled Quantity(accumulated)
    "q": "0.5",// Order Quantity
    "pr": "2095.6",// Price
    "mpr": "499", // filled price in this trade
    "mq": "0.5", // filled quantity in this trade
    "ap": "2095.6",// Average filled price(accumulated)
    "si": 1,// Trade side
    "ty": 1,// Trade type
    "ct": 1666667584739,// Time of the order created
    "ts": 1685326195118,// Time of this event
    "ro": 0, // Reduce only
    "it": 0, // Taker or Maker, 1 TRUE 0 FALSE
    "os": 2 // PARTIALLY_FILLED

  "dt": 11,
  "c": 20,
  "d": {
    "oid": 1665910350698258432,// Order ID
    "coid": 123123123,// Client order id
    "uid": "8095151726", // User id
    "s": "BTCUSD-6JUN23-24000-C",// Option symbol name
    "cq": "0.5", // Canceled Quantity
    "fq": "0",// Filled Quantity(accumulated)
    "q": "0.5",// Order Quantity
    "pr": "2095.6",// Price
    "ap": "2095.6",// Average filled price(accumulated)
    "si": 1,// Trade side
    "ty": 1,// Trade type
    "ct": 1666667584739,// Time of the order created
    "ts": 1685326195118,// Time of this event
    "ro": 0, // Reduce only
    "os": 3 // 3 CANCELED, 10 CANCEL_BY_EXERCISE

Status: 6 INVALID
  "dt": 11,
  "c": 20,
  "d": {
    "oid": 1665910350698258432,// Order ID
    "coid": 123123123,// Client order id
    "uid": "8095151726", // User id
    "s": "BTCUSD-6JUN23-24000-C",// Option symbol name
    "rq":0.5,// Unfilled Quantity
    "q": 0.5,// Order Quantity
    "fq": 0,// Filled Quantity(accumulated)
    "pr": 2095.6,// Price
    "ap": 2095.6,// Average filled price(accumulated)
    "si": 1,// Trade side
    "ty": 1,// Trade type
    "ct": 1666667584739,// Time of the order created
    "ts": 1685326195118,// Time of this event
    "ro": 0, // Reduce only
    "os": 6 // INVALID



{ "action":"subscribe", "dataType":"trade" }


{ "action":"unSubscribe", "dataType":"trade" }


    "dt": 15,
    "c": 20,
    "d": {
        "clientOrderId": "1734123406279839744",
        "feeRate": "-0.0006",
        "isTaker": "0",
        "matchPrice": "22180",
        "matchQty": "2",
        "matchValue": "44360",
        "orderId": "1734123406279839744",
        "orderSide": "1",
        "remainQty": "0",
        "symbol": "BTCUSD-22DEC23-20000-C",
        "tradeId": "1734129035131924480",
        "tradeTime": "1702282213169"



{ "action":"subscribe", "dataType":"position", "payload":{ "symbol":"BTCUSD-4JUL23-27000-C" } }


{ "action":"unSubscribe", "dataType":"position", "payload":{ "symbol":"BTCUSD-4JUL23-27000-C" } }


    "dt": 12,
    "c": 20,
    "d": {
        "q": "1", // quantity 
        "ap": "4274.79", // average price
        "im": "0", // Im initMargin 
        "mm": "0", // Mm maintMargin
        "s": "BTCUSD-4JUL23-27000-C", // symbol
        "si": "1", // order side
        "uid": "8095151726", // user id
        "upnl": "-42.79" // Unrealized Pnl



{"action":"subscribe", "dataType":"position"}


{"action":"unSubscribe", "dataType":"position"}


    "dt": 19,
    "c": 20,
    "d": {
        "q": "1", // quantity 
        "ap": "4274.79", // average price
        "im": "0", // Im initMargin 
        "mm": "0", // Mm maintMargin
        "s": "BTCUSD-4JUL23-27000-C", // symbol
        "si": "1", // order side
        "uid": "8095151726", // user id
        "upnl": "-42.79" // Unrealized Pnl

Futures WebSocket

# Sample code 

import hashlib
import hmac
import time
import websocket
import json
import threading

api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
api_sec = "YOUR_API_SECRET"

def on_open(ws):
    print("WebSocket connection opened.")
    # Send a subscribe message after the connection opened.
    ws.send(json.dumps({ "action":"subscribe", "dataType":"spotPrice", "payload":{ "symbol":"BTCUSD" } }))

def on_close(ws, status, message):
    print(f'WebSocket connection closed. status: {status}, message: {message}')

def on_error(ws, error):
    print(f'WebSocket error: {error}')

def on_message(ws, message):
    data = json.loads(message)

def get_signed_header(ts):
    uri = '/users/self/verify'
    auth = verb + uri + '?uuid=' + api_key + '&ts=' + str(ts)
    signature ='utf-8'), auth.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
    signature = signature.upper()
    return signature

ts = int(time.time()*1000)
sign = get_signed_header(ts)
socket = 'wss://' + api_key +'&ts='+ str(ts) +'&sign=' + sign + '&apiKey=' + api_key
ws = websocket.WebSocketApp(socket, on_open=on_open, on_close=on_close, on_error=on_error, on_message=on_message)

def run():

ws_thread = threading.Thread(target=run)

while True:
    # Wait for the WebSocket connection to be established
    if ws.sock and ws.sock.connected:
        # Send heartbeat
        msg = {"action":"heartbeat"}
        # If the WebSocket connection is not established, wait 3 seconds

Value of Connection Parameters

Name Required Note
code true 10, build connection
uuid false Custom id by user
ts true Timestamp, 1687326076897
sign true Signature
apiKey true your api key

sign: signature string, the signature algorithm is as follows:

First concatenate method + uri + ?uuid=your_api_key&ts=your_timestamp (where + represents String concatenation), then use HMAC SHA256 method to encrypt the concatenated string with apiSecret, and then perform Base64 encoding.

method: always GET.

uri : always /users/self/verify

Data Abbreviations

Please refer to the following field abbreviations for data fields in the futures request/response:

Name Note
c code, Operations for Request Protocol Execution
rc response code, Status of the Response Protocol
d data, Request/Response payload
p position, Subscription Data Page Location
s symbol
pr price
mp mark Price
ip index Price
h price24hHigh, Highest price in 24hrs
l price24hLow, Lowest price in 24hrs
cp changePrice, Price change in value
cr changeRate, Price change in percentage
pr0 price24hOpen, Open price on UTC 00:00:00
uv24 volumeUsd24h, USD volume in 24hrs
v24 volume24h, Volume in 24hrs
high high, The highest price
low low, The lowest price
pe period, granularity of K-line
v volume
close close price
open open price
ts timestamp
sz size
sd tradeSide, buy or sell
q qty, quantity
fq filled quantity
ap avgPrice, average price
coid clientOrderId
os order status
im initial Margin
oid orderId
si trade side
ty trade type
uid userId
elp estimated Liquidation Price
mm maintenance Margin
upnl Unrealized Pnl
dt dataType, websocket channels
ct createTime
ro reduceOnly
tid trade ID
rq remainQty, Unfilled Quantity
mpr match price
mq match quantity
le leverage
it isTaker
cq canceled quantity


{ "action":"heartbeat" }


    "rc":1 // 1 Success

Index Price


{ "action":"subscribe", "dataType":"spotPrice", "payload":{ "symbol":"BTCUSD" } }


{ "action":"unSubscribe", "dataType":"spotPrice", "payload":{ "symbol":"BTCUSD" } }


  "dt": 30,
  "c": 20,
  "d": {
    "pr": 1.1752, // last price
    "mp": 1.17521086, // mark Price 
    "ip": 1.17550000, // index Price
    "h": 1.18070000, // price24hHigh, Highest price in 24hrs
    "l": 1.12120000, // price24hLow, Lowest price in 24hrs
    "cp": 0.02410000, // changePrice, Price change in value
    "cr": 0.0209, // Price change in percentage
    "pr0": 1.05768, // price24hOpen, Open price on UTC 00:00:00
    "s": "ARBUSD", // symbol 
    "uv24": 320076.05815000, // volumeUsd24h, USD volume in 24hrs
    "v24": 278226.50000000 // volume24h, Volume in 24hrs

K-line Data


{ "action":"subscribe", "dataType":"kline", "payload":{ "symbol":"BTCUSD", "period":"h1" } }


{ "action":"unSubscribe", "dataType":"kline", "payload":{ "symbol":"BTCUSD", "period":"h1" } }

Value of period

Key Note
m1 1 minute
m5 5 minutes
m15 15 minutes
m30 30 minutes
h1 1 hour
h4 4 hours
d1 1 day
w1 1 week
mn1 1 month
quarter 3 months

  "dt": 31,
  "c": 20,
  "d": {
    "high": 30831.73000000, // The highest price
    "s": "BTCUSD", // symbol 
    "low": 30831.73000000, // The lowest price
    "pe": "m1", // period, granularity of K-line
    "v": 1.00000000, // volume
    "close": 30831.73000000, // close price
    "open": 30831.73000000, // open price
    "ts": 1688383680000 // timestamp



{ "action":"subscribe", "dataType":"orderBook", "payload":{ "symbol":"BTCUSD" } }


{ "action":"unSubscribe", "dataType":"orderBook", "payload":{ "symbol":"BTCUSD" } }

Update Speed: 200ms

Message channel for the 100 best ask/bid full data.


  "dt": 32,
  "c": 20,
  "d": {
    "s": "BTCUSD", // symbol 
    "asks": [{
      "pr": "30831.73", // price 
      "sz": "180.30200000" // size 
    }, {
      "pr": "40000", 
      "sz": "0.40000000 "
    "bids": [{
      "pr": "1",
      "sz": "1 "
    "ts": 1688384138863 // timestamp

Last Trades


{ "action":"subscribe", "dataType":"lastTrade", "payload":{ "symbol":"BTCUSD" } }


{ "action":"unSubscribe", "dataType":"lastTrade", "payload":{ "symbol":"BTCUSD" } }


  "dt": 33,
  "c": 20,
  "d": [{
    "q": "1", // qty quantity
    "sd": 1, // tradeSide
    "pr": "30831.73000000", // price
    "s": "BTCUSD",  // symbol 
    "ts": 1688436545891 // timestamp
  }, {
    "q": "83.11100000",
    "sd": 1,
    "pr": "30139.37000000",
    "s": "BTCUSD",
    "ts": 1688370059868



{ "action":"subscribe", "dataType":"order" }


{ "action":"unSubscribe", "dataType":"order" }


Status: 0 NEW
  "dt": 35,
  "c": 20,
  "d": {
    "coid":1000200000, // Client order id
    "oid": 1663004711982333952, // Order id
    "uid": "8095151726", // User id
    "s": "BTCUSD",// Futures symbol name
    "q": "1", // Order Quantity
    "pr": "500", // Price
    "si": 1,  // Trade side > si
    "ty": 1,  // Trade type > ty
    "ct": 1685326195118,// Time of the order created
    "ts": 1685326195118,// Time of this event
    "ro": 0,  //Reduce only
    "le": 3,  //  Leverage
    "os": 0 //Status NEW

Status: 1 FILLED
  "dt": 35,
  "c": 20,
  "d": {
    "coid":1000200000, // Client order id
    "oid": 1663004711982333952, // Order id
    "uid": "8095151726", // User id
    "s": "BTCUSD",// Futures symbol name
    "q": "1", // Order Quantity
    "fq": "1", // Filled Quantity(accumulated)
    "rq": "0", // Unfilled Quantity
    "pr": "500", // Order Price
    "mpr": "499", // filled price in this trade
    "mq": "0.5", // filled quantity in this trade
    "ap": "0", // Average filled price(accumulated)
    "si": 1,  // Trade side
    "ty": 1,  // Trade type
    "ct": 1685326195118,// Time of the order created
    "ts": 1685326195118,// Time of this event
    "ro": 0,  //Reduce only
    "le": 3,  //  Leverage
    "it": 0, // Taker or Maker, 1 TRUE 0 FALSE
    "os": 1 // FILLED

  "dt": 35,
  "c": 20,
  "d": {
    "coid":1000200000, // Client order id  
    "oid": 1663004711982333952, // Order id 
    "uid": "8095151726", // User id
    "s": "BTCUSD",// Futures symbol name
    "q": "1", // Order Quantity
    "fq": "0.5", // Filled Quantity(accumulated)
    "rq": "0.5", // Unfilled Quantity
    "pr": "500", // Price
    "mpr": "499", // filled price in this trade
    "mq": "0.5", // filled quantity in this trade
    "ap": "0", // Average filled price(accumulated)
    "si": 1,  // Trade side
    "ty": 1,  // Trade type
    "ct": 1685326195118,// Time of the order created
    "ts": 1685326195118,// Time of this event
    "ro": 0,  //Reduce only
    "le": 3,  //  Leverage
    "it": 0, // Taker or Maker, 1 TRUE 0 FALSE
    "os": 2 // PARTIALLY_FILLED

Status: 3 CANCELED
  "dt": 35,
  "c": 20,
  "d": {
    "coid":1000200000, // Client order id
    "oid": 1663004711982333952, // Order id
    "uid": "8095151726", // User id
    "s": "BTCUSD",// Futures symbol name
    "q": "1", // Order Quantity
    "fq": "0.5", // Filled Quantity(accumulated)
    "cq": "0.5", // Canceled Quantity
    "pr": "500", // Price
    "ap": "0", // Average filled price(accumulated)
    "si": 1,  // Trade side
    "ty": 1,  // Trade type
    "ct": 1685326195118,// Time of the order created
    "ts": 1685326195118,// Time of this event
    "ro": 0,  // Reduce only
    "le": 3,  // Leverage
    "os": 3 // CANCELED

Status: 6 INVALID
  "dt": 35,
  "c": 20,
  "d": {
    "coid":1000200000, // Client order id
    "oid": 1663004711982333952, // Order id
    "uid": "8095151726", // User id
    "s": "BTCUSD",// Futures symbol name
    "q": "1", // Order Quantity
    "fq": "0.5", // Filled Quantity(accumulated)
    "rq": "0.5", // Unfilled Quantity
    "pr": "500", // Price
    "ap": "0", // Average filled price(accumulated)
    "si": 1,  // Trade side
    "ty": 1,  // Trade type
    "ct": 1685326195118,// Time of the order created
    "ts": 1685326195118,// Time of this event
    "ro": 0,  // Reduce only
    "le": 3,  // Leverage
    "os": 6 // INVALID



{ "action":"subscribe", "dataType":"trade" }


{ "action":"unSubscribe", "dataType":"trade" }


    "dt": 38,
    "c": 20,
    "d": {
        "coid": "1734123406279839744", // client order id
        "fr": "0.0006", // feeRate
        "tf":"-0.1234", // tradeFee
        "it": "0", // isTaker
        "mpr": "22180", // matchPrice
        "mq": "2", // matchQty
        "mv": "44360", // matchValue
        "oid": "1734123406279839744", // order id
        "si": "1", // trade side
        "rq": "0", // remainQty
        "s": "BTCUSD", // symbol
        "tid": "1734129035131924480", // tradeId
        "ts": "1702282213169" // trade time



{ "action":"subscribe", "dataType":"position" }


{ "action":"unSubscribe", "dataType":"position" }


  "dt": 36,
  "c": 20,
  "d": {
    "q": "4", // filled quantity
    "ap": "0.3435", // average price
    "elp": "-20963.68918261", // Elp estimated Liquidation Price
    "im": "0.458", // initMargin
    "mm": "0.04122", // maintMargin 
    "mp": "0.3435", // mark price 
    "s": "FTMUSD", // symbol 
    "si": "1", // order side
    "uid": "8095151726", // user id
    "upnl": "0" // Unrealized Pnl

Spot WebSocket

# Sample code 

import hashlib
import hmac
import time
import websocket
import json
import threading

api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
api_sec = "YOUR_API_SECRET"

def on_open(ws):
    print("WebSocket connection opened.")
    # Send a subscribe message after the connection opened.
    # public topic
    ws.send(json.dumps({ "sub":"market.XRPUSDT.kline.1min", "id":"1698208992286"}))
    # private topic
    ws.send(json.dumps({ "sub":"order", "id":"1698208992286"}))

def on_close(ws):
    print("WebSocket connection closed.")

def on_error(ws, error):
    print(f'WebSocket error: {error}')

def on_message(ws, message):
    data = json.loads(message)

def get_signed_header(ts):
    uri = '/users/self/verify'
    auth = verb + uri + '?uuid=' + api_key + '&ts=' + str(ts)
    signature ='utf-8'), auth.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
    signature = signature.upper()
    return signature

ts = int(time.time()*1000)
sign = get_signed_header(ts)
# public spot
# socket = 'wss://'
# private spot
socket = 'wss://'+ str(ts) +'&sign=' + sign + '&apiKey=' + api_key
ws = websocket.WebSocketApp(socket, on_open=on_open, on_close=on_close, on_error=on_error, on_message=on_message)

def run():

ws_thread = threading.Thread(target=run)

while True:
    # Wait for the WebSocket connection to be established
    if ws.sock and ws.sock.connected:
        # Send heartbeat
        msg = {"action":"heartbeat"}
        # If the WebSocket connection is not established, wait 3 seconds

Value of Private Connection Parameters

Name Required Note
ts true Timestamp, 1687326076897
sign true Signature
apiKey true your api key

sign: signature string, the signature algorithm is as follows:

First concatenate method + uri + ?uuid=your_api_key&ts=your_timestamp (where + represents String concatenation), then use HMAC SHA256 method to encrypt the concatenated string with apiSecret, and then perform Base64 encoding.

method: always GET.

uri : always /users/self/verify


{ "action":"heartbeat" }


    "rc":1 // 1 Success

Public Orderbook

{ "sub": "market.$symbol.mbp.$step", "id": "$timestamp" }

$step value: 1, 50, 100, 200

Update Speed:

Level 1 data, push frequency:10ms

Level 50 data, push frequency:20ms

Level 100 data, push frequency:100ms

Level 200 data, push frequency:100ms


// snapshot
    "ch": "market.XRPUSDT.mbp.50",
    "ts": 1698824389345,
    "status": "ok",
    "tick": {
        "s": "XRPUSDT",
        "b": [
            [0.5958, 6198.0], // Price, Size
            [0.5956, 15113.0],
            [0.5954, 30156.0],
            [0.5952, 23570.0],
            [0.595, 24491.0],
            [0.5948, 14661.0],
            [0.5946, 26620.0],
            [0.5942, 22317.0],
            [0.5939, 23840.0],
            [0.5936, 767.0],
            [0.5935, 24077.0],
            [0.5933, 31702.0],
            [0.5915, 2371.0],
            [0.5905, 12671.0],
            [0.5897, 901.0],
            [0.5891, 2566.0],
            [0.5885, 11754.0]
        "a": [
            [0.5967, 19808.0], // Price, Size
            [0.597, 2614.0],
            [0.5972, 55037.0],
            [0.5974, 84102.0],
            [0.5976, 957.0],
            [0.5978, 64141.0],
            [0.598, 2134.0],
            [0.5982, 79251.0],
            [0.5984, 10784.0],
            [0.599, 32038.0],
            [0.5996, 1757.0],
            [0.6002, 964.0],
            [0.6008, 23247.0],
            [0.6014, 11966.0],
            [0.6022, 2562.0],
            [0.6028, 25037.0],
            [0.6036, 1229.0],
            [0.6042, 31042.0]
        "type": "snapshot", // Data type
        "u": 93639 // Update ID

// delta
    "ch": "market.XRPUSDT.mbp.50",
    "ts": 1698824394244,
    "status": "ok",
    "tick": {
        "s": "XRPUSDT",
        "b": [ // Bids to be updated
            [0.5958, 0.0] // Price, Size
        "a": [], // // Asks to be updated
        "type": "delta", // Data type
        "prevU": 93640, // Last update ID
        "u": 93641 // Update ID

Public Trade Streams

{ "sub": "market.$", "id": "$timestamp" }


    "ch": "",
    "ts": 1698825567210,
    "status": "ok",
    "tick": [{
        "tradeId": "64171106369742529", // Trade ID
        "symbol": "XRPUSDT", // Symbol name
        "price": 0.5981, // Trade price
        "qty": 814.0, // Trade quantity
        "side": 2, // Trade side
        "ts": 1698825550425 // Trade time

Public Kline/Candlestick Streams

{ "sub": "market.$symbol.kline.$interval", "id": "$timestamp" }

Value of period

Key Note
1min 1 minute
5min 5 minutes
15min 15 minutes
30min 30 minutes
60min 1 hour
4hour 4 hours
1day 1 day
1week 1 week
1mon 1 month
1year 1 year

    "ch": "market.XRPUSDT.kline.1min",
    "ts": 1698825870620,
    "status": "ok",
    "tick": {
        "endTime": 1698825840000, // The end timestamp (ms)
        "open": 0.5985, // Open price
        "close": 0.5983, // Close price
        "low": 0.5974, // Lowest price
        "high": 0.5985, // Highest price
        "volume": 1498.0, // Trade volume
        "volumeUsd": 895.7453 // Trade volume in USD

Public Symbol Ticker Streams

Pushes any update to the best bid or ask's price or quantity in real-time for a specified symbol.

{ "sub": "market.$symbol.bbo", "id": "$timestamp" }


    "ch": "market.XRPUSDT.bbo",
    "ts": 1698826509820,
    "status": "ok",
    "tick": {
        "symbol": "XRPUSDT",
        "bidPrice": 0.6009,
        "bidSize": 14131.0,
        "askPrice": 0.6026,
        "askSize": 51025.0

Public Symbol 24Ticker Streams

{ "sub": "market.overviewv2", "id": "$timestamp" }


    "ch": "market.overviewv2",
    "status": "ok",
    "ts": 1698826877951,
    "tick": {
        "TRXUSDT": {
            "s": "TRXUSDT", // Symbol name
            "base": "TRX", // Base coin
            "quote": "USDT", // Quote coin
            "o": 0.09609, // Open price
            "h": 0.0982, // Highest price
            "l": 0.09506, // Lowest price
            "c": 0.09773, // Close price
            "a": 1502146.0, // Volume in base coin
            "v": 145298.5662, // Volume in quote coin
            "r": 0.01706733270891875, // Price change in value
            "cp": 0.0016400000000000026, // // Price change in percentage
            "i": 0.09783096 // Index price.

Public Symbol 24Ticker Streams by a symbol

{ "sub": "market.$symbol.overviewv2", "id": "$timestamp" }


    "ch": "market.TRXUSDT.overviewv2",
    "status": "ok",
    "ts": 1698826877951,
    "tick": {
        "TRXUSDT": {
            "s": "TRXUSDT", // Symbol name
            "base": "TRX", // Base coin
            "quote": "USDT", // Quote coin
            "o": 0.09609, // Open price
            "h": 0.0982, // Highest price
            "l": 0.09506, // Lowest price
            "c": 0.09773, // Close price
            "a": 1502146.0, // Volume in base coin
            "v": 145298.5662, // Volume in quote coin
            "r": 0.01706733270891875, // Price change in value
            "cp": 0.0016400000000000026, // // Price change in percentage
            "i": 0.09783096 // Index price.

Private Orders

{ "sub": "order", "id": "$timestamp" }


Status: 0 NEW
    "ch": "order",
    "ts": 1698893249297,
    "status": "ok",
    "tick": {
        "orderId": 66362398685069333,
        "clientOrderId": "66362398685069333",
        "symbol": "XRPUSDT",
        "price": "0.594",
        "qty": "1",
        "tradeSide": "buy",
        "tradeType": 1,
        "status": 0,
        "createTime": 1698893249252

Status: 1 FILLED
    "ch": "order",
    "ts": 1698895342017,
    "status": "ok",
    "tick": {
        "orderId": 66362398685069357,
        "clientOrderId": "66362398685069357",
        "symbol": "XRPUSDT",
        "price": "0.6243",
        "qty": "100",
        "tradeSide": "buy",
        "status": 1,
        "avgPrice": "0.60920100",
        "remainQty": "0",
        "filledQty": "100",
        "createTime": 1698895341979,
        "matchTime": 1698895342004,
        "tradeId": "726474966362398685069357",
        "isTaker": 1,
        "matchPrice": "0.60920100",
        "matchQty": "100",
        "tradeType": 2

    "ch": "order",
    "ts": 1698899289854,
    "status": "ok",
    "tick": {
        "orderId": 66362398685069360,
        "clientOrderId": "66362398685069360",
        "symbol": "XRPUSDT",
        "price": "0.6",
        "qty": "10",
        "tradeSide": "buy",
        "status": 2,
        "avgPrice": "0.60000000",
        "remainQty": "9",
        "filledQty": "1",
        "createTime": 1698899237116,
        "matchTime": 1698899289843,
        "tradeId": "726475366362398685069360",
        "isTaker": 0,
        "matchPrice": "0.6",
        "matchQty": "1",
        "tradeType": 1

Status: 3 CANCELED
    "ch": "order",
    "ts": 1698893719826,
    "status": "ok",
    "tick": {
        "orderId": 66362398685069333,
        "clientOrderId": "66362398685069333",
        "symbol": "XRPUSDT",
        "price": "0.594",
        "qty": "1",
        "tradeSide": "buy",
        "status": 3,
        "avgPrice": "0",
        "filledQty": "0",
        "createTime": 1698893249252,
        "canceledQty": "1",
        "tradeType": 1


{"sub":"trade","id": "$timestamp"}

    "ch": "trade",
    "ts": 1737546328185,
    "status": "ok",
    "tick": {
        "symbol": "BTCUSDT",  // symbol
        "clientOrderId": "1353995724356345856", // client order id
        "feeRate": "0.0001",  // feeRate
        "tradeFee": "0.9402304000000", // tradeFee
        "isTaker": "0", // isTaker
        "price": "94023.04000000", // matchPrice
        "volume": "0.1", // matchQty
        "matchVolume": "9402.304000000", //matchVolume
        "orderId": 1353995724356345856, // order id
        "tradeSide": "2", // trade side
        "remainVolume": "0.89999", // remainQty
        "userId": 8802923697, // User id
        "ts": 1737546328185, // trade time
        "tradeId": "17041353995724356345856" // tradeId


Referrals Record(SIGNED)

Get referrals record


    "code": 0,
    "msg": null,
    "data": {
        "list": [
                "inviteeUserId": 9804700, // User ID of invitee
                "level": 0, // 0 user, 1 sub-agent
                "commissions": 0, // Commission earned from this user himself and his invitees
                "verification": 0, // 0 false, 1 true
                "deposit": 0, // 0 false, 1 true
                "futures": 1, // 0 false, 1 true
                "options": 0, // 0 false, 1 true
                "regTime": 1675845379145 // Time of registration (ms)
        "pageTotal": 2,
        "total": 14

HTTP Request



Name Type Value Required Note
subAgentId integer 9905700 false
page integer 1,2,3 false


subAgentId UID of the sub-agent; if it is not passed, it will return all invitees, and if it is passed, it will return the invitees of the user and the user itself.

This parameter only used for sub agent, please make sure your account type is a sub agent for coincall, or you will get an error code:10004.

Error Codes

The Coincall API uses the following error codes:

Codes Description
0 Success
500 Internal servererror
2015 User does not exist.
2016 Public key not exist
2017 Private key not exist
4002 Token expired.
4003 Token auth fail.
4004 Token kicke out.
4005 Duplicate request.
4006 This country or region is not supported
7001 No Permission.
10000 Try again later
10001 This operation is not allowed
10002 Result api system error
10003 Result api resquest illegal
10004 Parameter illegal
10005 Parameter error
10006 Sign illegal
10007 Token is error
10008 IP illegal
10009 Request method not support
10010 Param illegal
10101 Result header build error
10102 Query exception
10103 System inner error
10104 Params is null
10105 Params is blank
10106 Param long is blank
10107 Param integer is blank
10108 Params type error
10500 Incorrect or expired email verification code.
10501 Incorrect 2FA code.
10502 Please enter email verification code.
10503 Please enter 2FA code.
10504 You are not able to withdraw funds because of the abnormal status of this account.
10505 Invalid email address.
10506 Please enter your password
10507 Must be at least 8 characters .
10508 Invalid email address.
10509 Please enter your password
10510 Must be at least 8 characters .
10511 Must not exceed 32 characters.
10512 Must contain at least one number (0-9).
10513 Must contain at least one special character (!@#$%^&*).
10514 The passwords do not match.
10515 Please enter correct referral code.
10516 Please select a country or region.
10517 Please agree to the Terms of Service .
10518 Incorrect or expired email verification code.
10519 Account blocked
10520 Invalid account or password, 5-n attempts remaining.
10521 Your account has been restricted to log in.
10522 Please enter the email verification code
10523 Please enter the 2FA code
10524 Incorrect 2FA code.
10525 Position the piece in its slot
10526 Please enter 2FA code
10527 Incorrect the 2FA code.
10528 Incorrect password.
10529 Insufficient available balance.
10530 Please enter price
10531 Order price is higher than the maximum limit {0}.
10532 Order price is lower than the minimum limit {0}.
10533 Please enter amount
10534 Order size exceeds the maximum limit per order.
10535 The number of orders exceeds the maximum limit.
10536 Insufficient open positions.
10537 Order cancellation failed.
10538 Order IV is higher than the maximum limit 500%.
10539 Order IV is lower than the minimum limit 50%.
10540 Order has expired.
10541 The number of stop orders exceeds the maximum limit.
10542 Please enter stop price
10543 Please enable the 2FA code .
10544 Only 10 APIKeys can be created per account.
10545 Must not exceed 128 characters.
10546 Please enter a name.
10547 This name is already used.
10548 Each APIKey can bind up to 20 IP addresses.
10549 Invalid IP address.
10550 Please enter email verification code.
10551 The IP address is not in whitelist.
10552 Operation failed.
10553 The server is under maintenance, please try again later.
10554 You are not authorized to execute this request.
10555 API frozen
10556 APIKey does not match current environment.
10557 Timestamp request expired.
10560 Invalid CC-ACCESS-KEY.
10562 Invalid signature.
10563 Invalid authorization.
10564 Invalid request method.
10565 Endpoint request timeout
10566 API is offline or unavailable.
10567 Invalid content_type.
10568 Account does not exist.
10569 User ID cannot be empty.
10570 Parameter {0} cannot be empty.
10571 Parameter {0} does not match parameter {1}.
10572 Parameter {0} count exceeds the limit
10573 Parameter {0} error.
10574 Instrument ID does not exist.
10575 Either client order ID or order ID is required.
10576 Duplicated order ID.
10577 Duplicated client order ID.
10578 Token does not exist.
10579 Index does not exist.
10580 Instrument ID does not match instrument type.
10581 Position does not exist.
10582 Order timed out, please try again later.
10583 Cancellation timed out, please try again later.
10584 Order does not exist.
10585 Either order status or order ID is required.
10586 Channel subscription failed.
10587 Login failed.
10588 Please log in.
10589 Invalid request.
10590 Invalid args.
10591 Invalid url path.
10592 The {0} does not exist.
10593 Invalid op {0}
10594 Wrong passphrase
10595 Token subscription amount exceeds the limit
10596 Internal system error.
10597 Maximum receive of friends is XX%.
10598 The number of referral links exceeds the maximum limit.
10599 Please enter your name/date of birth/address
10600 Name contains numbers or symbols.
10601 Please select the type of address proof.
10602 Please upload the file
10603 File is too large, upload failed.
10604 The format of this file is not supported.
10605 Operation is too frequent.
10606 The number of exports this month exceeds the maximum limit.
10607 File not exists
10608 File expired
10609 You are not able to trade temporarily because the contract is abnormal.
20000 Coin not exist
20001 Account not found
20002 Coin not support
20003 User not found
20004 Please enable the 2FA code.
20005 Please select withdrawal coin.
20006 Please select withdrawal network.
20007 Please enter withdrawal address.
20008 Withdrawal network does not match the withdrawal address.
20009 Please enter an amount.
20010 Insufficient withdrawable balance.
20011 Exceed the 24 hours limit of withdrawal.
20012 Minimum withdrawal amount is 20 USDC.
20013 You are not able to withdraw funds within 24 hours after changing the password.
20014 Send code fail
20015 User not exist
20016 Sub user not allowed withdraw
20018 User withdraw restricted
20020 Not found withdraw record
20021 Not your withdraw record
20022 Not supported cancel, now is processing or completed
20023 not supported cancel, now is processing
20024 Account create fail
20025 Account update fail
20027 Target mode equals origin mode
20028 Option pending order exsist
20029 Option hold position exsist
20030 Future pending order exsist
20031 Future hold position exsist
20032 You need to transfer remainning funds to main account or other sub accounts
20033 Send code fail
20034 Start time and end time range exceeds three months
30000 User illegal
30001 Token illegal
30002 Check fail
30003 Google verification code is wrong
30004 Verification code is wrong
40001 User is freezed
40002 User over login max times
40003 Operate code timeout
40004 Token error
40005 Too many failed attempts, and your account has been locked
40006 Error fund transfer type, transfer sub account's parent user wrong
40007 Error fund transfer type, transfer to user must be sub account
40008 Transfer trade type is invalid
40009 Transfer amount exceeds can withdraw balance amount
40010 Error fund transfer type, transfer from user must be sub account
40011 Sub account size limit
40012 User name already used
40013 Email already used
40014 Sub account id error
40015 Referral not found
40016 Invite commission rate add invitee commission rate not equals referral total commission rate
40017 Company info is exist
40018 Age less than 18
40019 Company info not exist
40020 Jumio workflow not exist error
40021 Age format is error
40022 Kyc user status error
40023 Kyc user check error
40024 Upgrade error
40025 Check rate error
40026 Get temp url error
40027 Two grade auth error
40028 One grade step1 save error
40029 One grade save error
40030 Jumio user reference change
40031 Kyc processing
40032 Jumio status not exist
40033 Jumio status enum is not exist
40034 Option not exist
40035 Price illegal
40036 Volume illegal
40037 IM more than 100%
40038 You are not able to adjust leverage due to existing open positions or pending orders in the account.
40039 The price exceeds the maximum limit {0}
40040 File size limit
40041 Upload file frequently
40042 File type is unknow
40043 File type is error